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Logo of BTQ AG Taiwan Branch.

BTQ AG Taiwan Branch

Logo of BTQ AG Taiwan Branch.
BTQ AG Taiwan Branch
Logo of BTQ AG Taiwan Branch.
BTQ AG Taiwan Branch

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全世界的資訊安全、金融安全都須仰賴密碼科技。量子運算的出現,對於現有的公鑰密碼學、數位簽章安全性有重大的影響和威脅,例如 Shor's 量子演算法可以將現今的密碼系統破解。因此,圍繞著量子安全的場景,相對應的區塊鏈安全、金融安全、通訊安全都需要被改進。

BTQ 擁有許多量子演算法相關的專利應用,並致力於開發數位資產保護及節能挖礦相關的技術,提供個人或組織都能受益的量子安全解決方案。

Sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ

  1. PQScale - 後量子密碼壓縮技術,可廣泛用於區塊鏈、dApp、跨鏈及多鏈協議、穩定幣系統與其他軟體架構中,協助各式採用後量子密碼技術的軟體應用達成規模化與安全。
  2. Keelung - 零知識證明開發框架,支援後量子零知識證明系統,可應用於去中心化、隱私與擴容導向的 dApp 與其他服務中,例如去中心化身份(DIDs)、ZK-rollups、FinTech 等,相關應用請見 Blockchain finance in the quantum era
  3. Kenting - 基於 Compute-in-Memory (CiM) 的節能挖礦晶片製造技術,利用分散式平行運算架構,在不犧牲準確度的情形下進行更有效率的運算處理。
  4. BTQ Network - 全新安全的後量子密碼區塊鏈公有網路,採用美國國家標準暨技術研究院 NIST 發布的後量子密碼演算法標準,有關此演算法標準之介紹請見 NIST Announces the 1st International PQC Standards
  5. QByte - 與世界頂尖大學合作,揭露量子運算、量子攻擊相關研究成果與數據,完整介紹請見 Introducing QByte

Sứ mệnh

Keelung - A toolkit for fast, private and secure applications

-Building Zero-Knowledge With Keelung

Độ phủ truyền thông


-The Race Is On to Fight a Cyber Threat That Doesn’t Exist

-BTQ featured on Bloomberg
-Long-Term Security Solutions for CBDCs

-We are thrilled to announce the alpha release of Keelung, a domain-specific language (DSL) designed for fast, private, and secure application development:

-Building Zero-Knowledge With Keelung

Quyền lợi nhân viên

-Labor Health Insurance , Divers Staff Benefits 勞健保及各項員工福利

-Flexible Work Time & Remote Work 彈性上下班 & 遠端工作

-Free Snack Time + Happy Hour & Staff Lunch or Dinner 零食點心全時供應 & 不定期舉辦員工下午茶,聚餐活動

Môi trường làm việc

- 高樓層每日遠眺陽明山

- 華山公園旁 天天可散步補充文藝價值

- 善導寺站 150公尺 住新竹也能來天天通勤

- 辦公升降桌、高解析度 Type -C 螢幕


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Tech Stack

Amazon Web Services

Câu hỏi thường gặp (FAQ)

Our Chief Scientist @chenmou_cheng spoke with the @StartupislandTw Podcast about recent developments in post-quantum cryptography

BTQ to Organize Post-Quantum Cryptography Workshop in Taipei | Taiwan News | 2022-10-18

We are pleased to be co-organizing the PQC Standardization & Migration Workshop, an event collocated with Asiacrypt 2022.

Taiwan's ITRI to collaborate with global quantum computing company BTQ | Taiwan News | 2022-09-22 15:32:00

Taiwan's ITRI to collaborate with global quantum computing company BTQ BTQ and ITRI to develop new digital tools to secure digital assets in age of quantum computing

By Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer2022/09/22 15:32

Prototype chip using TSMC’s MPW program. (BTQ photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – BTQ, a tech startup headquartered in Liechtenstein and with an office in Taipei, announced plans for a multi-year collaborative effort with Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in early September. The aim of the agreement is to develop new chip technology to secure digital assets in the age of quantum computing.

BTQ is invested in developing post-quantum digital infrastructure to ensure safe and efficient networks. The agreement to work with Taiwan’s esteemed ITRI will fast-track the company’s goal of designing a suite of digital tools and services to protect IoT devices, 5G wireless networks, and other emerging technology systems from the threat of quantum attacks.

This agreement follows an announcement in July by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of standardized algorithms for quantum computing operations. According to a press release, agencies and businesses have been waiting for nearly six years for these standardized algorithms to be adopted in order to facilitate the development of related applications and services.

With the standardized algorithms in place, BTQ and ITRI are both eager to begin developing cutting-edge software and hardware for post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) applications. According to the press release, BTQ has three primary areas of research that it will pursue in collaboration with ITRI.

First, they aim to develop more space-efficient chips that will reduce transaction speeds across blockchain networks. Second, they hope to pioneer a new semiconductor technology based on Compute-in-Memory (CIM) technology, which will provide higher data bandwidth between computing and memory elements in IoT-compatible devices.

Lastly, BTQ is pursuing the essential work of research on modern communication networks in order to develop and accelerate PQC applications and capabilities for cybersecurity purposes.

BTQ’s Chief Scientific Officer, Cheng Chen-Mou (鄭振牟) commented on the company’s new collaboration with ITRI. “BTQ is looking forward to leveraging ITRI’s cutting-edge CIM semiconductor technologies toward realizing its vision of securing trillion dollars of crypto assets against the emerging threats posed by large quantum computers, as well as enabling eco-friendly and sustainable blockchain computation to attain true decentralization and democratization,” said Cheng.

For more information on BTQ and their work with ITRI, more information is available on their official website.

BTQ和ITRI 宣布合作开发用于后量子密码学的下一代半导体技术


BTQ开发了以下三个阶段的方法来应对对手使用量子计算机带来的威胁:BTQ正在开发软件基础设施,以便在区块链环境中轻松支持NIST PQC算法,即使使用最节省空间的NIST PQC签名算法,公钥和数字签名在比特币和以太坊中也将消耗21.2倍和24.3倍的空间,这些性能损失具有广泛的影响,影响交易速度、天然气价格和整个网络的分散化。官方表示,与不使用压缩的新标准化算法取代ECDSA相比,节省了多个数量级的空间。另一方面,专门的硬件解决方案在资源限制严格的各种应用和市场中也是必不可少的。例如,物联网 (IoT) 设备(通常依靠电池运行)由于能量预算紧张而采用 PQC 算法具有挑战性, ITRI 的研究重点是开发节能计算芯片以加速 PQC 计算,BTQ 和 ITRI 共同开创了一种半导体技术,它摒弃了传统的冯诺依曼计算架构,转而支持所谓的 Compute-In-Memory (CIM) 技术该技术支持计算和存储元件之间更高的数据带宽以及更低的内存访问延迟。最后,为了保护互联网通信,BTQ 正在与标准机构和学术界合作,以开发、强化和加速后量子密码方案。随着电信网络向 5G 系统演进,物联网设备和基础设施提供商产生的海量机器类流量需要可信通信,BTQ 和 ITRI 的联合工作将为关键网络和通过它们连接的数十亿设备提供节能的量子安全解决方案

图|BTQ 与工研院在新竹总部会面(来源:BTQ)BTQ首席科学官Chen-Mou Cheng表示:“BTQ期待利用ITRI的尖端CIM半导体技术,实现其保护万亿美元加密资产的愿景,以应对大型量子计算机带来的新威胁,以及实现环保和可持续的区块链计算,以实现真正的去中心化和民主化。”

图|使用台积电 MPW 程序的原型芯片国际工业研究院电子与光电系统研究实验室产业化主任Victor Wang表示:“这项联合工作的重点是PQC计算的硬件/软件协同设计实现。与传统的CPU/GPU解决方案相比,大大节省功耗至1/10或更少,我们很高兴与BTQ合作,推出行业领先的混合信号cim加密加速器,以推进后量子安全世界。”关于工研院工业技术研究院(ITRI)成立于1973年,是世界领先的技术研发机构之一,致力于为社会创造更美好的未来。在台湾产业从劳动密集型向创新驱动转型的过程中发挥了重要作用。工研院一直致力于孵化初创企业和分拆企业,包括联华电子和台积电等知名企业,除台湾总部外,国际产业研究院还在美国、欧洲、日本等地设立了分公司,以扩大研发领域,促进国际合作。-End-引用:


The New Kids on the Quantum Block

Spark Festival | Events for startups, innovators, entrepreneurs

The New Kids on the Quantum Block

BTQ & ITRI Announce Collaboration to Develop Next-generation Semiconductor Technology for Post-quantum Cryptography BY JAMES DARGAN • SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 • BUSINESS, DAILY

We are an official sponsor of the Asiacrypt Conference! December 5-9, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan. Learn more:

Asiacrypt 2022

company introducing

BTQBlockchain finance in the quantum era | BTQSecuring the digital asset ecosystem. BTQ builds post-quantum infrastructure to enable the next generation of energy-efficient blockchain networks (389 kB)

BTQNIST Announces the 1st International PQC Standards | BTQSecuring the digital asset ecosystem. BTQ builds post-quantum infrastructure to enable the next generation of energy-efficient blockchain networks (389 kB)

BTQIntroducing QByte | BTQSecuring the digital asset ecosystem. BTQ builds post-quantum infrastructure to enable the next generation of energy-efficient blockchain networks (389 kB)

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Responsibilities: Develop and maintain BTQ blockchain (e.g. consensus protocol, post-quantum libraries, EVM-like virtual machine, and their related tools) Develop high-quality, high-concurrency, hi...
Taipei, Taiwan
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / năm
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Responsibilities: Develop web-based applications Investigate high-level architecture problems Make suggestions to architecture and solutions Perform code reviews Divide projects into manageable pie...
Taipei, Taiwan
1M ~ 2M TWD / năm
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Primary Duties and Responsibilities: Participating in a research to understand the Plonk zero-knowledge proof technique Contributing to technical documentation like white papers Discussing technica...
Taipei, Taiwan
3K ~ 6K USD / tháng
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