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Shaw Wu CEO DATAYOO Application Co., LTD. Shaw Wu, the CEO of DataYoo, position himself as a pioneer of data analytics and data science application in agriculture. Based on data analysis and AI technique, we tracked crops growing condition and market intelligence to predict the next steps. Though this system, we provide total solution of risk management from producers to consumers. Furthermore, it is feasible for us to concatenate the agriculture supply chain with the data application services. In 2019, in cooperate with the client, we managed the exporting pineapple in KaohSiung through the Data Analysis and Prediction Service. We raised the standard products from 50% to 80%, rejected substandard products from 8% to 1% as well. Besides, through our developed remote monitoring technique, we helped our client, which is a banana farmer cooperative in Yunlin, increase 2 times of managed field and 4 times of corporate farmer. Focusing on risk management in agriculture, we combined models of crop physiology and AI machine analysis techniques to provide our client two services: Crop physiology Models Building and Harvest and Supply Prediction. Crop physiology Models Building Service helps to stabilize crop quality, maximize the yield and gives some cultivate advices as well. Harvest and Supply Prediction System can predict the price fluctuation in order to sell the crops at better prices, give export or import advices, also stabilize the market. We are eager to make data analysis product technique in Taiwan well-developed and promote it to all over the world. Hope to create new era of smart agriculture in Taiwan. 吳君孝 總經理 悠由數據應用股份有限公司 吳君孝為資料科學家、悠由數據應用(DataYoo)創辦人,更定位自己為農業數據科技的先驅者。多年前,身為資料科學家的他一腳踏入農業,一步一腳印透過數據幫助農企業在耕種的週期中,精準預測生產週期。 相較於常見AI應用,悠由數據更著重於預測模式,意即這個作物種下去、歷經整套預測模式後,推測未來可能的狀況和風險,並給出因應對策的建議,協助生產者與海外顧客安排船期以及進行契約簽訂,提升農產產量與降低農業成本。 農業與科技,聽起來遙遠,事實上數據能帶來的更超乎想像。悠由數據專注於作物資料的演算法,提供各式農業資通訊相關服務,環繞較多的是整體供應鏈與整合;透過全套數據服務的支持,來貫穿整個農產業,形成「多方效益」農業生態。 more information: 1.Datayoo news of DBS https://www.dbs.com/foundation/featured/se-spotlight/datayoo 2.Into the Digital Agriculture World With Datayoo http://innovex.computex.biz/show/newsReleaseDetails.aspx?newsId=410 3.DataYoo: AI and Data Algorithms for Smart and sustainable Agriculture in Taiwan https://avpn.asia/deal-share-platform/data-yoo-ai-and-data-algorithms-for-smart-and-sustainable-agriculture-in-taiwan/ 4.悠由數據總經理吳君孝:資料科學種鳳梨,外銷A級品賺兩倍 https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5096068?template=transformers 5.台灣打造「綠金」產業靠他們!300個參數追蹤作物生長,毛豆王寫下智慧農業奇蹟 https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/64148/aama-datayoo-and-taiwan9 6.從統計學考零分,到成為資料科學家,悠由數據創辦人吳君孝:喜歡的事就要專注到底 https://www.cheers.com.tw/article/article.action?id=5097202 7.全台每顆鳳梨在幹嘛他都知道 大數據找到外銷日本金鑰匙 https://vip.udn.com/vip/story/121942/6096175
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
11 ~ 50
$22 Million