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Logo of ExistLive.
Logo of ExistLive.
Logo of ExistLive.

Company summary

At ExistLive we're rewriting the score for live music entertainment. We believe in empowering the creators, not the conglomerates. By cutting out the middlemen, we ensure that more of the spotlight revenue goes directly into the hands of event creators.

We're not just staging concerts; we're orchestrating a movement to reclaim the economic stage for those who make events unforgettable. Join us in harmonizing a new era where every beat contributes to the success of the creators who bring music to life. The creators, not the conglomerates.

Welcome to ExistLive, where the heartbeat of the underground pulses through every chord. We're not just a live music entertainment company; we're guardians of the gritty, champions of the unconventional.

Born from the rebellion against the mainstream, we amplify the voices of the underground community, bringing raw energy and authentic talent to the forefront.

Join us in celebrating the rebellious spirit of music, where every note is a declaration of independence.

在eXist Live,我們正改寫音樂現場娛樂的新篇章。我們的理念是支持表演者及創作者,而不只是大公司。我們去除了多餘的中介,讓更多利潤直接到創作者手中。我們所做的,不只是舉辦演唱會而已。我們在為那些讓每一場活動難以忘懷的表演者及創作者們,爭取經濟上的主導權。

