IT Intern 實習生 (Java Backend; System Engineer; SW QA)

Updated 3 Months agoIT » Back-end Engineer

Job Description


* 統一訓練,根據個人能力再分發至各業務單位 (Platform Java Backend, System
Engineer, Software Quality Assurance)
* 無論試用通過與否,學到的技能都是業界線上實戰技能,期望對於大家都有幫助
* 公司畢竟不是學校,評價是別人給的,切莫陷入一個自我感覺良好及自我滿足的窘態,試用通過我們還是會有定時的考核唷

# 統一訓練大綱
* 通用技能
* Git & Sourcetree
* Continuous Integration & Jenkins
* Linux
* Elasticsearch Logstash Kibana
* Postman
* Docker

* Platform Java Backend
* Java
* Spring Family Big Box
* Redis
* RabbitMQ
* SQL & Relational Database
* Maven

* System Engineer
* Public Cloud
* Amazon Web Service
* Alibaba Cloud
* System
* Operation
* Monitoring
* Docker Compose & Kubernetes

* Software Quality Assurance
* Python
* API Testing
* End-to-End Testing
* JMeter
* Performance Testing
* Load Testing
* Pressure Testing
* System Analysis & Reporting

# 培訓目標
* 0 ~ 1個月 學習通用技能,協助各部門處理日常事務
* 1 ~ 3個月 根據職位進行分類並學習各領域職能
* 3個月 ~ 學習商業邏輯,接觸線上系統,開始實戰

180 ~ 250 TWD/hour
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About us

We deliver cloud SaaS(software-as-a-service) to the masses.

At FunPodium, we leverage the most intelligent frameworks and help companies overcome infrastructure complexity with our array of products and expertise. Currently, FunPodium serves companies in specialized areas such as e-commerce, video gaming, etc.

In 2017, the company was established and there were 4 employees. Now, we have over 110 talents and we are still growing. We are home to talents ranging across fields such as Backend Development, Business Intelligence, Database Administration, DevOps, Experience Design, Frontend Development, Mobile Development, Project Management, Quality Assurance, and System Architect.

For more information, please visit our website: 

我們為客戶提供雲端軟體服務 (SaaS)。


2017年,公司成立時共有4名員工。 現在,我們擁有110多名人才,並且還在不斷成長。 公司擁有眾多領域的人才,包括後端開發、商業智能、數據庫管理、DevOps、體驗設計、前端開發、行動開發、項目管理、軟體測試和系統架構。



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