英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation cover image
Logo of 英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation.
Logo of 英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation.
英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation
Logo of 英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation.
英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation
Logo of 英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation.
英諾菲數位科技股份有限公司 inefi incorporation

Company summary

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【認識 inefi – 值得您考慮的 SaaS 產業指標新創】

inefi, a SaaS startup that worth your consideration and contribution.

inefi 成立於 2021 年,是全球 ODM 產業電腦設計領導廠商飛捷科技 (6206.TW) 的關係企業以及策略聯盟,經營團隊本身在零售、餐飲、AIoT、SaaS 領域皆有多年經驗,著眼於新零售與全通路銷售的崛起、新冠疫情加速改變餐飲零售現場營運模式、缺工更直接拉升現場端點維運成本。

inefi 在此背景下應運而生。

奠基於全球前三大POS系統製造商飛捷科技領先的硬體技術與深耕近四十年的產業知識,我們深知產業需求與挑戰,使我們不同於一般新創,inefi團隊在飛捷科技內部創業近三年時間,待產品、初期重點客戶皆有一定基礎,才正式獨立營運,我們以統一端點管理 (Unified Endpoint Management) 為主要服務核心,由零售、餐飲業界出發,跨產業、跨領域提供智慧、即時、可遠端協作的智能整合端點管理(Smart UEM) SaaS 服務。 也由於對於零售、餐飲乃至於各種 AIoT 場域維運需求的深刻理解,產品甫一推出即打響名號,並獲選為 Intel IoT MRS(Market Ready Solution),並獲邀至巴塞隆納 IES 2022,與intel 一同向世界各地業界先進、領導廠商分享 inefi 的創新解決方案,並陸續獲得多家國際大廠採用。

inefi 協助企業全方位掌握裝置狀態,透過即時預警、監測與遠端排除錯誤,降低非計畫性停機時間,提升企業客戶使用體驗,增強品牌專業形象,同時提供智慧、即時,可遠端協作的跨裝置終端設備管理平台 inefi Spotlight,以及相容於 intel x86 的原生 Android 作業系統 inefi Aura,獲得廣大企業客戶與全球合作夥伴喜愛。

【經營團隊 – 多元、開放、創新】

Our team marks - Diverse, Open-minded, Innovative.

成立的第一天起,我們就擬定 inefi 立足台灣、放眼全球的國際布局方向,產品管理、研究開發在台灣,行銷業務、客服、產品驗證與策略聯盟團隊,則分布於英國、台灣兩地,提供全球客戶零時差、零距離的支持與服務。 

團隊組成多元、開放且向心力強,團隊的經營除了有著新創團隊的開放彈性,並秉持敏捷開發的精神及管理,團隊內外資訊透明及高效率的自我管理,加速了開發的速度與質量的提昇。成員多年創新創業、輔以來自於 IC 設計、消費電子、ODM、軟體國際大廠的經驗,搭配敏捷開發的流程,讓 inefi 每一步都走得穩健踏實。

歡迎成為我們志同道合的夥伴,Let's Unify!

inefi, established in 2021, is a subsidiary and strategic alliance of the global ODM industrial computer design leader, Flytech Technology (6206.TW). The management team brings years of experience in retail, dining, AIoT, and SaaS, focusing on the rise of new retail and omnichannel sales, the accelerated changes in the dining and retail operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the direct increase in on-site endpoint operational costs caused by labor shortages.

inefi emerged against this backdrop.

Built on the advanced hardware technology of Flytech Technology, one of the top three POS system manufacturers globally, and with nearly four decades of industry knowledge, we understand the industry's demands and challenges. Setting us apart from typical startups, the inefi team incubated within Flytech for almost three years, ensuring the product and initial key clients were well-established before officially operating independently. Our primary service core is Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), starting from the retail and dining sectors and expanding across industries to provide intelligent, real-time, and remotely collaborative Smart UEM SaaS services.

Due to our profound understanding of the operational needs in retail, dining, and various AIoT domains, our product gained recognition upon launch. It was selected as an Intel IoT MRS (Market Ready Solution), and we were invited to showcase our innovative solutions at IES 2022 in Barcelona alongside Intel, sharing our achievements with industry leaders worldwide. We have since been adopted by several international corporations.

inefi assists enterprises in comprehensively managing device status, reducing unplanned downtime through real-time alerts, monitoring, and remote troubleshooting. This enhances the user experience for enterprise customers, strengthens brand professionalism, and offers a smart, real-time, cross-device terminal management platform called inefi Spotlight. Additionally, we provide inefi Aura, a native Android operating system compatible with Intel x86 architecture, which has gained popularity among a broad range of enterprise customers and global partners.

From the very first day of our establishment, we envisioned inefi to have an international footprint, rooted in Taiwan yet with a global perspective. While product management and research and development are based in Taiwan, our marketing, customer service, product verification, and strategic alliance teams are distributed between the United Kingdom and Taiwan, ensuring seamless and timely support and services for our global customers.

Our team is diverse, open-minded, and cohesive, combining the flexibility of a startup with the spirit and management of agile development. Transparent information flow, both internally and externally, and efficient self-management contribute to the acceleration of development speed and improvement in quality. Team members bring years of experience from innovative startups, as well as backgrounds in IC design, consumer electronics, ODM, and major international software companies. With an agile development process, inefi confidently progresses at each step.

We welcome those who share our vision to join us as like-minded partners. Let's Unify!

Products or services

【inefi Spotlight - UEM 智慧與自動的統一端點管理平台】

A smart and automated Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) platform.

  • 自動化部署、安裝軟體 (Automated deployment and software installation):


Offering features such as device network auto-deployment and one-click installation of custom configuration profiles, saving enterprises time and operational costs associated with device installation.

  • 遠程協作 (Remote collaboration):

透過 inefi Spotlight 控制中心,IT 人員可以即時與現場連線,進行設備檢測與排錯,降低 25 – 50% 的現場檢修需求。

Through the inefi Spotlight control center, IT personnel can connect in real-time with on-site locations to perform device diagnostics and troubleshooting, reducing on-site repair needs by 25-50%.

  • 主動管理 (Active management):

inefi 與飛捷攜手提供獨步全球的軟硬體整合方案,以頻外管理 (Out of band; OOB) 解決方案,一鍵重啟故障裝置、重新安裝作業系統等功能,協助企業縮短非計畫性停機時間。

inefi collaborates with Flytech to provide a globally unique hardware and software integration solution. Using an Out of Band (OOB) management approach, it offers functionalities such as one-click restart of malfunctioning devices and operating system reinstallation, helping enterprises minimize unplanned downtime.

  • 周邊裝置管理 (Peripheral device management):

全球第一的周邊裝置管理服務,提供超過 100 種企業常用的周邊裝置如條碼掃描器、收銀機、印表機等連線與管理服務,為企業降低 33% 的現場維修成本。

The world's leading peripheral device management service, offering connectivity and management services for over 100 commonly used enterprise peripherals such as barcode scanners, cash registers, printers, and more. This service helps reduce on-site maintenance costs for enterprises by 33%.

  • 機台數據加密防護 (Machine data encryption and protection):

提供高規格且高防護的中繼器 (Repeater) 服務,藉由高資安防護規格的單一通道聯外機制,防護企業機密,有效降低資料外洩風險。

Providing high-specification and highly secure Repeater services, utilizing a single-channel external connection mechanism with advanced cybersecurity protection standards to safeguard corporate confidentiality and effectively reduce the risk of data leakage.

【inefi Aura – Native Android OS 解決方案】

A Native Android Operating System Solution.

  • 客製化系統轉換服務 (Customized system conversion services for Android on x86):

inefi Aura 是基於 Intel x86 裝置所開發出的原生 Android 作業系統,可協助企業將 x86 裝置的作業系統轉換為 Android,並支援目前最新的 Android 13 版本,提供客戶在使用系統上的高度彈性,提升作業處理效率與速度。

inefi Aura is a native Android operating system developed for Intel x86 devices. It assists enterprises in converting the operating system of x86 devices to Android, supporting the latest Android 13 version. This provides customers with a high degree of flexibility in system usage, enhancing operational efficiency and speed.

  • 強化裝置整合的周邊功能 (Enhancing peripheral functionalities for device integration):

提供畫面亮度調節、COM Ports、COM Power、Cash Drawer,Wi-Fi、HDMI、藍芽等可自訂的設定描述功能,提升設備靈活、可用性。

Offering customizable settings such as screen brightness adjustment, COM Ports, COM Power, Cash Drawer, Wi-Fi, HDMI, Bluetooth, and more, enhancing device flexibility and usability.

了解更多產品訊息請至 inefi 官方網站:https://www.inefi.com/


【使命與願景 – 工作不僅為了溫飽,更要為這個世界發揮正面影響力】

Mission and Vision – Work is not just for sustenance but to exert a positive influence on the world.

我們的願景,是成為 IT 資產最佳化平台,不僅幫助客戶管理其現場裝置端點,更偕同客戶將 IT 資產價值發揮到最大。公司存在的目的,則是協助每一個組織都能有彈性、可靠、智能的 IT 資產配置,助力實現每一個創新營運模式。

Our vision is to become the optimal IT asset management platform, not only assisting customers in managing their on-site device endpoints but also partnering with them to maximize the value of their IT assets. The purpose of our company is to help every organization achieve flexible, reliable, and intelligent IT asset configurations, empowering the realization of innovative operational models.

Employee benefits



    • 彈性上下班時間(08:30-10:00/17:30-19:00),讓您更輕鬆地上下班,避開擁擠的人潮車潮
    • 每日工時7.5h,相對業界更短的上班時間,讓您有更多的彈性安排個人事務
    • 中午有完整休息時間1.5小時,讓您充分放鬆,悠閒享受用餐時光
    • 到職首日即享10天特休,讓您有更多時間安排個人休閒,陪伴孩子與長輩
    • 6天全薪病假,inefi讓您無後顧之憂地休養身體



    • 三節禮券、禮品
    • 定期舉行國內外員工旅遊
    • 同仁慶生Party、生日禮品
    • 社團活動補助、住院慰問金、婚喪喜慶補助金



    • 基本保障年薪、紅利
    • 優於業界績效獎勵辦法
    • 設置給予團隊之技術股份,結合公司願景與個人成就發展



    • 吃不完的零食櫃、冰棒!
    • 各式飲料、咖啡無限暢飲!
    • 全新裝潢辦公室,用餐吧台好愜意!
    • 員工團體保險
    • 兩年一度身體健檢
    • 專人健康諮詢、心理諮詢服務(員工協助方案EAP)



    • 公司提供多元完整的教育訓練規劃
    • 團隊領導富有專業化與國際化視野
    • 在職進修課程,鼓勵員工工作之餘自我學習
    • 開放辦公環境、無障礙的溝通,激盪彼此創意火花

    Work environment

    【專業只是標配,在 inefi 我們共享的價值,是期待給人才最好的舞台,發揮無限的可能】


    • 追求卓越 (Aim to Excellence):


    • 創新 (Innovative):


    • 開放 (Open-minded):


    • 值得信賴 (Trustworthy):


    • 團隊合作 (Teamwork):



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