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Job updated almost 2 years ago

Job Description

Intowow 徵才囉,不需工作經驗,我們只找學校畢業兩年內,深具有潛力的Fresh Young Talents!
由資深成員擔任一對一 mentor,目標在五年內培養成為頂尖的problem solving programmer。

關於 Backend Engineer

這是一個富有挑戰性的職務,隸屬於 Engineering Team,適合對程式開發有熱情,喜歡挑戰複雜問題的新鮮人,工作面向主要涵蓋:

  1. Product Features Implementation
  2. System Analysis and Enhancement
  3. Large-scaled System Development
  4. Cloud-based Infrastructure Building


  • 聰明 - 清晰敏捷的邏輯推理能力
  • 不羈 - 基於原理原則的Out-of-Box Thinking
  • 高標 - 不滿足於現狀的自我要求
  • 求知 - 對新技術永遠充滿學習熱情
  • 自信 - 享受解決困難問題的過程
  • 開放 - 與團隊成員溝通的開放心態


    • $60,000 - $100,000 TWD * 13 months
      薪資調整採取動態模式,當你的能力提升可以勝任更進階的工作,我們會立即調整薪資。公司在職員工的薪資於三年內的平均調幅皆超過 100%。


    • 是,公司持續每月補助2000元。


    • 一天8小時,一週五天。除了每天有兩個固定時段會議 (2pm~3pm All-hands Meeting,3pm~4pm Product Development Sync-up Meeting),其餘工作時間自行與團隊協調安排。


    • 工作地點
      • 可自由選擇Work-From-Home,或是來 WeWork 一起上班!
      • 如果員工選擇全部Work-from-home,公司補助每月1000元
    • 公司環境
      • Intowow Office位於信義商圈的共享辦公大樓——WeWork,台北市最新穎、舒適的 Coworking Space
      • 除了開放透明的室內環境,後方緊鄰就是視野遼闊公園,工作累了可以隨時下去走走,也可以隨時到附近的商圈逛街


    • 特休假 第一年14天(依年資,每年增加一天)
    • 每年員工例行全身詳細健康檢查(全額由公司支付,市值約NT$10,000/人)
    • 勞健保、公司團保
    • 每季至少聚會一次,享受美食美酒
    • 辦公室擁有專屬咖啡師、暢飲啤酒機,無限量供應零食及飲料!


    • 團隊非常重視溝通,相信充分的溝通才能提升效率,定義問題的過程非常嚴謹,都要根據事實或數據,並非誰說了算。因此每個成員對於市場趨勢、產業動態、產品策略、客戶痛點都需要on the same page。
    • 會議非常有效率,會清楚定義每次會議的目的,必要的話會先將要討論的項目給大家先做準備。開完會後大家會有很清楚的共識以及瞭解自己後續要跟進的部分
    • 團隊非常鼓勵大家提出自己的想法,不管是技術、產品、商務、甚至是公司管理,有任何想法都能對團隊或公司全體提出來討論
    • 彈性選擇上班地點,依自己需求選擇在辦公室或在家上班。選擇在家上班的話還會有WFH補助
    • 工時彈性,只要確保會議有出現以及能夠如期交付自己的工作,想怎麼安排工作時間都可以公司資訊開放透明,透過每天 all-hands sync-up meeting,確保所有人對公司目前的方向及狀況都一清二楚



    Intowow is searching for a backend engineer of within 2 years since university graduation.

    | Career Outlook

    Backend engineers play a key role in our engineering team, and are responsible for the building stones of all the core Intowow technologies. You collaborate closely with our product and business team, and directly participate in transforming business concepts into concrete backend services.
    Backend engineers leverage multiple cloud platforms, including AWS and GCP, to build a reliable, secure and highly scalable infrastructure that supports all our services. You will also manage a robust and efficient data pipeline system that is currently dealing with data points of billions of ad requests on an hourly basis. The challenges that we face everyday come from Forbes top 500 premium publishers around the world, and as a backend engineer, you directly contribute in the building of a new digital ad monetization future for the entire ad tech industry.
    All Intowow engineers enjoy difficult problems, and we thrive on the achievement of constantly delivering values to our clients with our technologies that are built with precision and efficiency. Being a backend engineer, you’ll often be learning directly with the leaders of the company from all functions. You will also be inspired to push yourself to be the best version of yourself driven by curiosity and passion. It is a priceless experience to take on such responsibility and deliver real results, all while developing your own career. 

    | Base Offer

    $60,000 - $100,000 TWD * 13 months
    *will be increased flexibly on-the-go based on your growth in competence and responsibilities. 

    | Your Responsibilities

    Backend engineers design and develop backend services and APIs. We expect you to be a good team player, and work alongside with other engineers and members from the business team. You’re responsible for clarifying business requirements, conducting further analysis, and utilizing your engineering expertise to solve the real customer problems. We also expect you to be passionate about new technologies, as you will be leveraging many third-party services, backend languages, and open source projects to strengthen our platform.
    You must also be able to think critically, and take into consideration both reliability and scalability when developing features to support our rapid growth in client base. As a strong backend engineer, you will grow with the team and the company. You will take ownership of modules, participate in large-scaled system development, and bring creative ideas into life and integrate them to our product and optimization technologies. 

    | Your Scope of Work

    • Designing, developing, testing and deploying services and APIs to meet our business requirements.

    • Managing existing system and continuously improving reliability and performance.

    • Collaborating with all teams to build reliable and scalable cloud-based infrastructure.

    • Developing internal tools and libraries to improve software development processes.

    | Bonuses

    • Flexible Workplace Options
      Choosing freely between working-from-home or coming to our office space in WeWork.
    • Paid Vacations
      14 days / year (contractually)
      *as long as your tasks and responsibilities are fulfilled, there's no paid vacation limits.
    • Equipment Subsidy
      $2,000 TWD / month
    • Others
      company insurance, annual health examination, unlimited snacks & beverages, etc.


    | 職缺能力經歷要求 Application Requirements

    必備條件 Prerequisites

    • Received Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science (or highly related) from top-tier universities within two years of graduation
    • Being passionate about learning new technology as always
    • Enjoy solving challenging problems
    • Familiar with at least one backend language, such as Node.js, Python, Golang, etc.
    • Experience & knowledge with RDBMS

    加分條件 Optional

    • Experience with git.
    • Experience with cloud service providers, such as AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.
    • Experience with GraphQL.
    • Experience with NoSQL databases.

    Interview process

    | 履歷內容注意事項

    請附上英文履歷,以及能夠展示您專業能力的Project Portfolio或Github連結。

    | 面試流程

    • 第一關面試—— 您需要在面試前完成一份程式作業,繳交後將安排您與Product Team的資深工程師進行線上面試,時長約60-90分鐘
    • 第二關面試—— 您將和公司所有團隊的成員談話,目的是要讓您和未來的合作夥伴一同討論及想像未來的合作方式。(現場面試,視疫情狀況可能改為線上面試)
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    No requirement for relevant working experience
    60,000 ~ 100,000 TWD / month
    Optional Remote Work
    Personal Invitation Link
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    About us

    Intowow 由Yahoo奇摩前董事總經理陳建銘、連續創業家邱建華、技術長李盈璁共同創辦,是一家鎖定全球市場的Ad Tech新創公司,於2017年由AppWorks領投,獲得500萬美金A輪融資。

    全球數位廣告交易於2020年有超過75%是透過即時競價 (Real-Time Bidding)進行交易。Intowow專注於發展廣告賣方即時競價智能 (Publisher-Side Auction Intelligence),透過持續演進的AI演算法,幫助網站提升其程序化廣告的收益。
    我們鎖定大流量媒體網站,客戶遍及美國、英國、加拿大、德國、法國、澳洲、日本、西班牙、義大利、巴西、阿根廷、智利、秘魯、烏克蘭、波蘭、白俄羅斯、立陶宛、印度等二十幾個國家,已獲得超過300多個全球知名網站 (Publishers)採用。

    Intowow的廣告即時競價智能,其實際成效、客戶滿意度,大幅領先市場的競爭對手,並於2021年 獲得全球Ad Tech領域最高榮譽的四項入圍提名(Intowow為第一家亞洲公司獲得此提名)

    • 2021 AdExchanger Awards: Best Early Stage Technology Company
    • 2021 Digiday Technology Awards: Best Sell-Side Programmatic Platform
    • 2021 Digiday Technology Awards: Best Monetization Platform for Publishers
    • 2021 Digiday Annual Awards: Most Innovative Technology Platform

    |About Intowow

    Intowow is an advertising technology company that empowers global publishers with auction intelligence fueled by machine learning, AI, and optimization algorithms. We're a team of ad tech industry consultants, data scientists, and software architects, gathering together to enhance the welfare for publishers (the sell-side) in the programmatic ad industry. Publishers empowered by Intowow take advantage of our technologies to hedge against the buy-side cost saving activities, and achieve at least 30% ad revenue growth in this robotic world of programmatic ad auctions.

    Founded by Frank Chen (CEO), ex- VP and Managing Director of Yahoo APAC, Ben Chiu (COO) and YT Li (CTO), innovation is at the core of the Intowow culture. Headquartered in Taipei, we embrace the global market and working with publishers in the US, Europe, Latin America, Japan, and Taiwan.


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