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Logo of 益普索市場研究股份有限公司.


Logo of 益普索市場研究股份有限公司.
Logo of 益普索市場研究股份有限公司.


Founded in 1975, Ipsos is a company of inquiring minds and passionate people giving a voice and shape to the thoughts of millions of individuals around the world. Ipsos is the global leader in branding and marketing research and and is also the only independent, publicly-listed company in its field managed by research professionals. Our creative solutions help us build strong relationships which lead to better results for our clients. This has made us the trusted advisor and with all matters lead by our industry expert from measuring, modeling to managing customer and employee relationships.

* Ranked the third largest global marketing research company
* Listed on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1999
* Ipsos has 89 locations/offices across the globe
* Over 17000 full time employees around the world

益普索成立於1975年,是一個集合眾人智慧且由一群熱衷於行銷研究及市場調查的人所組成的公司,提供全世界千萬人的聲音與想法。益普索是執行品牌研究的專家,也是唯一一個由行銷及市場調查的專業人士來管理的獨立上市公司。益普索台灣是台灣唯一通過專業國際市場研究認證標準ISO 20252:2012的市場研究公司。我們探討、調查並挑戰傳統,我們評估市場潛力和分析市場趨勢,我們測試產品與廣告,以利於幫助我們的客戶以及他們的顧客建立良好且長遠的關係。
* 全球前三大的市場研究公司
* 1999年7月於巴黎證券交易所上市
* 全球設有89個分公司
* 全球擁有超過17000名全職員工

Through specialisation, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise.
We utilize various traditional and digital, quantitative and qualitative research methods helping our clients collect information they require for decision.

* market strategy and understanding:
usage and attitude, segmentation, brand positioning, consumer journey

* new product/ service development:
idea generation, concept test, product test, packaging/ naming test, pricing test, market simulation and forecast

* advertising/ communication assessment, brand health tracking:
idea screening, concept test, communication pre/ post test, multi-touchpoint evaluation, brand equity deep dives and monitor

* performance evaluation:
consumer/ customer/ employee satisfaction, mystery shopper research, retail performance


Through specialisation, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise.
We utilize various traditional and digital, quantitative and qualitative research methods helping our clients collect information they require for decision.

* market strategy and understanding:
usage and attitude, segmentation, brand positioning, consumer journey

* new product/ service development:
idea generation, concept test, product test, packaging/ naming test, pricing test, market simulation and forecast

* advertising/ communication assessment, brand health tracking:
idea screening, concept test, communication pre/ post test, multi-touchpoint evaluation, brand equity deep dives and monitor

* performance evaluation:
consumer/ customer/ employee satisfaction, mystery shopper research, retail performance


We are proud to be an independent survey-based research company led and managed by research professionals.

Our ambition:
to make research one of the primary means to understand contemporary society and economy. And to make Ipsos a strategic partner for those who wish to better understand the world and play an active part in it, with lasting success.


1. 週休二日, 彈性上下班制度及人性化的出勤管理
2. 保障年薪13個月, 績效獎金, 年節獎金, 生日禮金
3. 完善且優於勞基法的年假制度及久任特別休假
4. 多元的國內外教育訓練及進修補助
5. 完整的國內外e-Learning線上教學平台
6. 開放的溝通管道, 升遷及全球Ipsos分公司轉調機會
7. 明亮舒適的辦公室環境
8. 年度旅遊, 尾牙, 郊遊踏青, 運動日, 電影日, 免費咖啡及按摩服務
9. 婚喪補助, 生育補助, 健康檢查
10. 勞保, 健保, 團保, 勞工退休金


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需求人數 1人 職類 記帳/出納/一般會計,財務會計助理,成本會計 職務說明 1.記錄及彙整交易產生之原始憑證,登錄至會計系統製作傳票 2.審核各項成本費用之發票、單據及帳務處理 3.處理廠商貨款或費用等應付款項帳務 4.營業稅申報 5.定期輪調,處理發票開立及應收帳款作業 6.其他一般會計事務
35K ~ 45K TWD / 月
No requirement for relevant working experience

• Understand business objectives and design surveys to discover prospective customers’ preferences • Draft proposals, reports and presentations • Interpret group findings on basic projects, draw co...
32K ~ 39K TWD / 月
No requirement for relevant working experience