KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers   奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司 cover image
Logo of KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers   奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司.
Logo of KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers   奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司.
KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers 奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司
Logo of KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers   奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司.
KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers 奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司
Logo of KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers   奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司.
KGB Kiwi Goumet Burgers 奇異風味美食有限公司師大分公司

Company summary

KGB is a New Zealand owned company specializing in NZ style gourmet burgers. 
Stage 1 is to develop the prototype & then expand in Taiwan & then seek other opportunities. 

The next stage is to develop other restaurant ideas based on the business model developed.
I plan to develop ideas & build restaurant models of 3-8 stores.  

Taiwan is meant to be the starting point for developing the business model & then setting up in other countries that appeal & make sense.

The goal is develop a life worth living & the time & resources to do that. I would like to build a team of like minded people.
KGB 是一家新西蘭獨資公司,專門生產New Zealand風味的美味漢堡。

我計劃開發創意並建立 3-8 家商店的餐廳模型。
我們的目標是發展一種值得過的生活,以及為此付出的時間和資源。 我想建立一個由志同道合的人組成的團隊。

Products or services

KGB 是一家新西蘭風格的漢堡美食餐廳。 我們的風格是熱情、友好、輕鬆和專業。

我們供應新西蘭風味的美味漢堡。 這意味著獨特的漢堡和經典的漢堡。 我們的奶昔在台北很有名。

我們供應啤酒和高球。 在過去的 15 年裡,KGB 一直是台北最好的漢堡餐廳之一。

KGB is a New Zealand style gourmet burger restaurant. Our style is warm, friendly, relaxed & professional.

We serve New Zealand style gourmet burgers. That means unique burgers as well as classic burgers. Our milkshakes are famous in Taipei.

We serve beers & highballs. KGB has been one of the best burger restaurants in Taipei for the last 15 years.


KGB 的使命是創造一個讓顧客和員工感覺屬於他們的地方。 從這裡我們可以發展和創建一個所有相關人員都能從中獲得價值的業務。第一階段是開5家店。


KGB’s mission is to create a place that customers & staff feel is theirs. From here we can grow & create a business that all people involved get value from.

The first stage is to open 5 stores.

The goal this year is to get ready and then open 2 more stores next year.

Employee benefits

Health Insurance

Labour Pension

Work environment

克格勃擁有溫馨友好的工作環境。 我們擁有新西蘭風格,您應該專業並符合正確的標準,但環境輕鬆友好。




KGB has a warm friendly work environment.

We have a New Zealand style where you are expected to be professional & meet the correct standards but the environment is relaxed & friendly.

Staff are given a responsibility & independence. My goal is to support you to take over your role & responsibilities and allow me to focus on my areas. I want to build a team that grows KGB.

KGB is foreign run. Antoni is from New Zealand. We have a good mix of foreign & Taiwanese customers so the store has an international feel.
