Senior Software Engineer (資深軟體工程師)

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1. 協助整合演算法開發
2. 使用各項開源或者公司套件解決運算架構問題
3. 針對演算法流程進行效能與架構優化
4. 與產品設計團隊、資料科學團隊合作,一起讓人工智慧在產業落地,解決各項自動化機器學習問題

1. 自我驅動力高,樂於接受挑戰,並享受突破困難與解決問題的成就感
2. 在彈性與信任的環境中,仍然高度自律,完成任務達成使命
3. 重視使用者需求,與團隊成員共同優化系統,帶動更高的轉換與成長率
4. 理解並認同大數據、資料分析、人工智慧對於人類未來的意義
5. 認同並具有新創團隊的精神,對於目標有極高熱忱與拼勁,樂於幫助他人,與團隊成員一同成長
6. 樂於站上國際舞台,接受並享受挑戰


[擅長工具] 熟悉Scala or Java,functional programming,或者是程式老手,不害怕學習以上兩種語言。

1. 熟悉程式設計
2. 熟悉物件導向設計
3. 熟悉函數式語言,或曾參與開發大型專案達兩年以上
4. 善用自動化工具
5. 善用版本控制工具
6. 能夠主動學習,主動發現架構需要優化的地方,能夠針對不同的解決方案進行評估分析
7. 能提出解決方案,不僅止於發現問題
8. 有過機器學習或者數據分析相關經驗

1. 具有統計背景與相關經驗
2. 有開源專案經驗
3. 熟悉 Akka Actor System 架構
4. 熟悉資料庫與HDFS 串接
5. 熟悉機器學習與資料分析流程
6. 熟悉建置運算環境,如 Spark 等
7. 具處理巨量資料經驗
8. 帶領團隊經驗
9. 志工經驗


80K ~ 180K TWD/

MoBagel 行動貝果有限公司



Company Overview

MoBagel is a key vendor of a no-code AI/ML platform, as recognized by Gartner in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Decanter AI, the no-code AI/ML platform, empowers data scientists and domain experts to design and build AI solutions together. Through partnerships with key partners such as Dentsu Group, Deloitte and JETRO to build no-code AI solutions together, Decanter AI has quickly accumulated over 100,000 users and is well-positioned to continue driving innovation and growth for sustainability.

MoBagel is a Series A company that has raised over $21 million in funding to fulfill our vision of “Solve with AI, Build Sustainability Together”. Following our mission, we have served over 3,000 brands in various industries, including Fortune 500 companies in manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, finance, e-commerce, retail, supply chain and logistics, and digital marketing.

Here are some of the credits that MoBagel has received:

  • Gartner Report - Top 10 Strategic Tech Trends for 2020 : Key Vendor of AI/ML platform
  • UC Berkeley SkyDeck (UC Berkeley’s premier startup accelerator)
  • SoftBank Innovation Program (1st Round Winner)
  • Nokia Innovation Challenge (Top Prize of 400 startups)
  • Microsoft x Coca-Cola Smart Retail Hackathon (1st Prize in Greater China Region)
  • Microsoft Accelerator Beijing (1.89% of 1,000 startups)
  • Plug and Play IoT Expo (1st Prize of 300 startups)
  • Orange Fab Asia - Tokyo
  • Intel AI Builder Program


MoBagel 行動貝果有限公司的其他热门职缺

HR Specialist 人資專員

全职初阶35K ~ 45K TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

Data Scientist 資料科學家

全职初阶55K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

Accounting Specialist 會計專員

全职初阶40K+ TWD/5 个月前更新

Senior Project Manager 資深專案經理(台中)

全职中高阶50K ~ 70K TWD/5 个月前更新

AI Success Consultant 專案經理

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ASP.Net Developer ASP.NET 工程師(台中)

全职初阶40K ~ 40K TWD/5 个月前更新

Full Stack Engineer 全端工程師

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B2B Marketing Manager B2B 行銷經理

全职中高阶600K ~ 1.2M TWD/5 个月前更新


全职初阶32K+ TWD/5 个月前更新

Product Manager 產品經理

全职初阶400K+ TWD/5 个月前更新

Account Manager 客戶服務經理

全职中高阶35K+ TWD/5 个月前更新

Business Development 商務拓展

全职初阶38K+ TWD/5 个月前更新