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Logo of Nestlé Nespresso SA.

Nestlé Nespresso SA

Logo of Nestlé Nespresso SA.
Logo of Nestlé Nespresso SA.
Nestlé Nespresso SA


Coffee is at the heart of everything we do, and consumer satisfaction is why we do it.

Our story started with one simple idea: everyone should be able to make the perfect cup of coffee at home. Something we still believe today, which is why we think delivering the highest quality coffee, sip after sip, is so important.

To achieve this, we continuously strive for innovation. Our coffee experts look for the world’s most exclusive coffees, and create new and exciting blends through a very strict coffee selection process. We create exceptional coffee experiences by continuously reinventing our coffee system, and the way coffee lovers can enjoy our Grand Cru, transforming coffee culture on a global scale.

We are committed to making a positive impact. We source our coffee from unique regions, working in partnership with over 70 000 farmers through our Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality™ program around the world. We help them achieve high certification standards – for example in water management, biodiversity and fair worker treatment – through our long-term partners Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade international.

At Nespresso, we offer personalized services to our Club Members: from delivery and repair to customer care and recycling systems. We are in direct contact with coffee lovers through our e-commerce platform, boutiques and social media, allowing us to anticipate and cater to their every need.

We also provide a full range of machines and coffees to meet the specific needs of the world’s most foremost hotels, restaurants and business customers. Our business Solutions enable your company to offer the perfect cup of coffee to your employees, clients and customers, every time.

Nespresso is not just coffee. It’s a genuine experience that combines perfection and pleasure, simplicity and aesthetics.

Learn more, visit


- 嬰兒奶粉系列:能恩水解、能恩NAN、惠氏S26、啟賦、雀巢寶兒、雀巢成長奶粉系列(Superkid)、兒童佳膳及好敏瑞
- 飲品系列:雀巢咖啡(NESCAFÉ) 、美祿(Milo)、雀巢檸檬茶(Nestea)、雀巢奶茶、雀巢巧克力醬(Nesquik)
- 奶粉系列:克寧奶粉(KLIM)、雀巢奶粉系列(Nespray)、鷹牌煉奶(Eagle)
- 膠囊咖啡機系列:雀巢咖啡機(NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto)、奈斯派索咖啡機(Nespresso); - 雀巢早餐脆片系列: 雀巢可可脆片(KOKOKRUCH)、纖怡(Fitnesse)
- 成人營養品系列:立攝適、愛速康、飲沛、諾沛、佳易得、非凡寧適、愛攝適、佳膳。
- 糖果/巧克力系列:奇巧巧克力(KitKat)、黑嘉麗(Fruitips)、寶路薄荷糖(Polo);
- 廚房調理食品系列:美極湯、美極鮮雞精/鮮味露(Maggi);
- 寵物食品系列:冠能(Proplan)、喜躍貓食(Friskie)、貓倍麗(MonPetit)、斯博康(Supercoat)、Bonnie;
- 專業餐飲系列


研究和發展是雀巢最具競爭優勢的關鍵。若沒有研究與發展,雀巢就不可能成為營養、健康和美好生活兼具的全球食品產業的龍頭。雀巢擁有食品業界最大的研究發展組織,雀巢的發展和技術團隊與當地的市場應用團隊結合雇用了超過5,000個科學家。雀巢透過每個產品發展過程階段來加強合作關係─ 從早期開始的共同研究和後期與生技公司的主要供應商合作,進而加強研究發展的潛力。集合全球所有研究發展的資源,雀巢可以針對全世界的消費者,不論是在營養、健康、味道、質地、便利性各方面提供高品質與安全的食物。最重要的是,雀巢帶給消費者最優質的產品以及無可挑剔的安全性。研究與發展的關鍵在於保證所有雀巢產品的管控承諾。


1. 優於同業的薪資及績效獎金制度。
2. 採彈性上下班制度,週時39.5小時,並享有勞、健、團保以及退休金制度。
3. 完善的教育訓練制度:語言訓練、職能訓練、團隊凝聚訓練及海外專業培訓。
4. 佳節禮品(農曆春節、五一勞動節)。
5. 優於勞基法的年休假、病假、喪假及產假14週,以及婚、喪、喜、慶慰問金或禮品。
6. 健全的福委會制度:國內外旅遊補助,年節禮金,生日禮券,婚、喪、喜、慶慰問金。
7. 年資獎勵辦法。
8. 年度健康檢查。
9. 員工採購優惠辦法。


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