
Công việc được cập nhật gần 4 năm

Mô tả công việc

1. 負責與電子學習平台所需之華語文教材研發及編審。
2. 與教材相關之電子資料庫內容開發。
3. 能夠進行線上華語教學及支援相關之事務。
4. 協助公司行政相關業務。

Yêu cầu

學歷: 碩士

工作經驗: 不拘


1. 具有對外華語師資證照者尤佳。
2. 學歷:華語文教學相關研究所畢業 (大學中文科系尤佳)。
3. 具有線上華語文教學經驗或接受過相關培訓者尤佳。
4. 與其他部門溝通協調的能力。
5. 獨立作業能力。
6. 對輔導全球中文教學普及化有熱忱。

*如對職缺有興趣,請將編輯過的華語文教材作品,連同履歷,一起投遞至 [email protected]

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34,000 ~ 40,000 TWD / tháng
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Logo of 龎帝數位資訊有限公司.

Về chúng tôi

龎帝數位資訊有限公司(Ponddy Education Taiwan Ltd.) 總部成立於美國矽谷,並相繼於台灣及天津成立分公司,目前已經成立滿四年,志在創造結合AI人工智慧的學習平台以符合各個學生的需求,運用翻轉教室概念及遊戲化的學習方式解決以往的學習困擾。我們有多個產品,目標客戶是在美國及全世界想學習中文的朋友! 公司的四位創辦人均為世界級的人才,曾創辦上百個專利申請並擁有在美國NASDAQ上市的成功經驗,且有專業投資人認可及支持。目前公司已通過A輪募資,且成功募資新台幣兩億元。近期更是獲得美國大學理事會AP考試線上課程認證!歡迎有創意和理想的人才加入我們,一起共創一片天!

About Us

Ponddy Education Inc. is an education technology (Edu-Tech) company currently in stealth mode. The company's headquarter is located in San Jose (capital of Silicon Valley), California, USA. Ponddy Education Inc. is a global company and has a wholly own subsidiary, Ponddy Education Taiwan Ltd., located in Taiwan. The employees work closely with the founders and the Silicon Valley team to develop the state-of-the-art personalized learning platform. The company operates in a Silicon Valley-style working environment where new ideas and creativity are well respected. The company was founded by a group of series entrepreneurs and technologists who have solid track records., including filing IPO at NASDAQ and/or being acquired by a larger corporation.


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