Data Scientist 資料科學家

Công việc được cập nhật khoảng 2 năm

Mô tả công việc

1. Conduct data science projects to help clients drive solutions and solve business problems from various domains using a wide range of data science techniques, including but not limited to Machine learning, data visualization, statistics, and so on.
2. Design, develop and maintain scalable automated machine learning and data science pipelines and applications to empower users to extract valuable results.
3. Build new and enhance existing tools to strengthen the internal toolbox of the Data Science Team.
4. Carry out research on cutting-edge data science techniques, approaches, tools, and application scenarios.
5. Work closely with diverse roles such as data scientists, project managers, product managers, data engineers, web developers, designers to name just a few to scale REAS’s products.

Yêu cầu

1. Degree from a leading university with a quantitative focus, e.g. Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, or other related areas
2. 2+ years of industry experience in data science with strong knowledge of automated machine learning, machine learning, deep learning, time-series forecasting, statistics, visualization, data preprocessing, and data analytics
3. Familiarity with technologies like Python, R, SQL, and TensorFlow (Good programming skill in Python is a plus)

Interview process

40,000 ~ 60,000 TWD / tháng
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Về chúng tôi

睿思創新股份有限公司成立於 2019 年 1 月 22 日,打造基於社群軟體並具有創新價值的商業 SaaS 服務是我們的核心目標,協助中小企業快速進入數位化時代!

透過我們提供的 crossbot 跨社群數據管理平台,協助客戶同時管理多個社群媒體平台,包含Facebook、Instagram、LINE、Telegram等,搭配即時問券、廣告DM、一對一真人客服、聊天機器人等社群互動服務,即時取得社群媒體會員的喜好與行為大數據,讓客戶透過社群媒體大數據搭配精準的數據分析,抓出不同受眾群體的共通性,精準找出潛在受眾。


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