Senior DevOps Engineers/ Team Lead



We are looking for experienced member to join the tech team to lead the operation of our Ad platform. 
Your team will be entrusted to maintain and operate a system that spans over multiple geolocation with hundreds of instances; And you will have first hand experience operating a large system where handling billions of traffic data is a daily norm. 

[About Job] 
- Lead members of the OPS team to achieve system SLA. 
- Interface with developers and product managers to understand operation needs. 
- Understand technical architecture, capacity planning, tooling needs, automatio, product launch and other issues 
and create plans for proritizing technical and resource challenges. 
- Advise and participate the design and development of evolving services, architecture, and performance standards. 
- Manage service availability and scalability through better monitoring, processes, and infrastructure. 
- Build & operation container based platform with Nomad / Consul / Docker. 
- Support existing CI/CD flow & functions and optimize it. 
- To design, implement, and operate the backend infrastructure and in-the-cloud service that is robust, fast and large


[About You]
- 5+ years relevant experience.
- Expertise in UNIX/Linux and networking.
- Ability to code in at least two languages (Shell, Python, Go, PHP, JAVA, JavaScript etc)
- Experience in administration and operation of public cloud platforms (e.g. AWS, 阿里雲, IBM Cloud)
- Experience in container operation such as Docker.
- Experience with CI/CD & Automation systems (eg Ansible, Puppet, Salt, Chef, Jenkins) .
- Experience with monitoring, alerting, and log pipeline analysis tools (Nagios, Graylog2, Prometheus, etc.)
- Good knowledge of large scale internet service architecture
- Ability to work independedtly and also as part of a team
- Proactive and self motivated
- Sharp and tenacious troubleshooting skills: you can fix anything
- Detail oriented and careful

[More About You]
- Scala, Ruby or Python is plus
- Experience on Hadoop, Hive, Spark is plus
- Experience on NoSQL solution like Couchbase, Redis, ..., etc is plus
1,500,000 ~ 1,800,000 TWD / 年
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Vpon威朋 AI大數據集團,亞洲領先的AI大數據公司,擁有先進的大數據分析能力、強大的研發技術。Vpon威朋提供數據化的定制業務和行動行銷方案、專業數據分析及優化、精準投放行動廣告,客戶超過1500家世界知名品牌。在台北、香港、上海、新加坡、東京、大阪及沖繩成功營運,Vpon威朋覆蓋亞太區高達210億次可競價流量的媒體資源、每月9億支不重複行動裝置,幫助品牌以數據創造交易,贏得全亞洲的商機。

我們透過機器學習 (Machine Learning) 和統計模型 (Statistical Modeling) ,從海量數據 (Big Data) 中挖掘各式使用者行為和能付諸行動的洞見與觀察 (Actionable Insights),並將大數據應用在跨境行銷、廣告投放,電商成效優化、O2O等各種領域,幫助企業提升顧客終生價值是團隊的使命,並深信著 “Data Drives Transactions”。



☆☆Vpon威朋榮獲 2024 Yourator 雇主品牌大賞-特別獎☆☆


☆☆ 2022年獲國家品牌玉山獎
◆ 傑出企業類
◆ 傑出領導人獎 — 吳詣泓
◆ 傑出產品獎:Wee Global Data Platform 大數據交易平台
◆ 傑出產品獎:Vnity AI Platform 人工智慧平台
☆☆ 2021年獲國家品牌玉山獎
◆ 傑出企業類
◆ 傑出領導人獎 — 吳詣泓
◆ 最佳產品獎
☆☆ 2020年獲國家品牌玉山獎
◆ 傑出企業類
◆ 傑出領導人獎 — 吳詣泓
◆ 傑出領導人/全國首獎 – 吳詣泓
☆☆ 2020年獲Campaign Asia 年度最佳代理商
◆ 日本/韓國區最佳專業代理商銀獎 (Vpon JAPAN)
☆☆ 2019 年獲亞洲華人領袖獎
☆☆ 2019 年獲香港 Mob-ex Awards
◆ Best Location-based Marketing金獎
☆☆ 2019 年獲香港 MARKies Awards
◆ 最佳創意 - 行動裝置類別銀獎
☆☆ 2019 年獲香港Mediazone 年度最有價值服務獎
◆ 最值得信賴大數據分析和應用領導者 Ÿ 最佳跨境行銷服務
◆ 最佳客戶服務企業
☆☆ 2019 年獲資本傑出行政品牌
◆ 資本傑出數據解決方案品牌大獎
☆☆ 2019 年獲行銷傳播傑出貢獻獎
◆ 度傑出數位行銷 – 數據行銷獎:金獎
◆ 度傑出數據服務公司:銅獎
☆☆ 2018年獲APAC CIO Outlook雜誌亞太區十大最佳大數據解決方案公司
☆☆ 2018年獲香港Mob-ex Awards
◆ Best In-App Advertising Award - 金獎
◆ Best Mobile Advertising Platform Award - 銅獎
◆ Best In-App Advertising Award - 銅獎
☆☆ 2018年獲動腦行銷傳播傑出貢獻獎
◆ 年度傑出數據服務公司 - 金獎 (連續第2年蟬聯)
◆ 年度傑出行動行銷公司 - 金獎 (連續第4年蟬聯)
◆ 年度傑出行動行銷公司經營者 營運長Arthur Chan - 銀獎
☆☆ 2018年獲數位服務創新獎 - 大數據價值創造獎


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