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Tóm tắt về công ty

No love, no life打造一個愛的星球,交友目的不再局限於找到人約會。永遠都預想不到,下一個遇到的會是攝影師,舞者,還是網美…人生總有無限可能,讓交友變得簡單,讓相遇變得驚喜,一起開啟任何可能。
No love, no life. Creates a love planet. The purpose of making friends is no longer limited to finding people to date. I never expected that the next encounter would be a photographer, a dancer, or a web beauty... There are always infinite possibilities in life, making dating simple, making encounters pleasant, and opening up any possibilities together.

Sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ

唯密 - 就愛跟你慢慢聊,解鎖後真實約會。

Wavii - love to talk to you slowly, and you will be dating after unlocking.
Give you the truest companionship in the universe, real-person real-name chat dating app, heal your heart every day. Officially host a variety of online and offline events, let you play with peace of mind, make friends happily.

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