WOD.co cover image
Logo of WOD.co.
Logo of WOD.co.


Logo of WOD.co.
Logo of WOD.co.

Company summary

WOD.co 是一家總部位於舊金山和台北的新創健康科技公司,創辦人 Bob Ippolito 和 Jameson Hsu 相信,他們可以結合科技以及對健身的熱情、幫助更多的人改善身心生活!Kinetik 的願景是打造一個讓Crossfit更有趣的app,來協助用戶建立更健康的生活方式。

目前 Kinetik 正處於快速發展的創辦期,如果你對健身或者運動產業有熱忱,希望與 Kinetik 一起形塑未來的健康科技產業、改變百萬人的生活,並且為生活帶來正面的力量,趕快投遞履歷!我們找的就是你。

WOD.co is building a workout app to make CrossFit more social and fun. In an effort to start a social enterprise, founders Bob Ippolito and Jameson Hsu, discovered their passion for fitness and technology could be combined in helping millions of people improve their lives both physically and mentally. The company is still in its early stages of development and is located in both San Francisco 🇺🇸 and Taipei 🇹🇼.

If you're interested in being part of building a company from the ground up and helping to have a positive impact on society, then we look forward to talking to you.

Products or services


Our mission is to help people better their lives both physically and mentally through living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Work environment

  • 遠端工作、彈性上下班
  • 與矽谷的團隊共同工作和學習
  • 工作氛圍開放,愉快,每個人的聲音同樣重要
  • Labor/ Health Insurance. Remote working, flexible working hours.
  • Work and learn with successful entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley.
  • The working atmosphere is open, pleasant, and everyone's voice is equally important.
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Avatar of the user.
Executive Assistant


What are the things I should keep in mind while applying for the job?

Don't worry if you don't see a role that fits you. If you're passionate about fitness and want to work hard to have an impact on the world then we want to talk to you.

★ 我是人才,但是找不到相關職缺 ★

沒關係,請投遞你的履歷給我們,並與我們分享為什麼你可以幫助 Kinetik,讓我們更認識你。如果有適合的,我們會主動通知。