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Taille de l'entreprise: 51 - 200
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Logo of 微程式資訊股份有限公司(Microprogram).
微程式資訊(Microprogram)創立於 1995 年,為台灣少數具有跨產業技術整合能力的 IoT 物聯網科技服務商,同時也是台灣電子支付設備最大供應商。我們專注於電子支付、無線感測、雲端數據三大領域,透過使用者
The employer was active 13 jours ago
Logo of 英屬開曼群島商科絡達集團 佳駿科技股份有限公司.
佳駿科技 成立於2010年,隸屬於 英屬開曼群島商科絡達集團的分公司。 科絡達由聯發科(MediaTek)、趨勢科技(Trend Micro,全球領先安全解決方案商)和新加坡電信(Singtel,亞洲最大跨國運營商)、台達資本、豐新資本、華威創
The employer was active 4 mois ago
Logo of 普萊德科技股份有限公司.
公司簡介 普萊德科技自創立第一天起即掛上自有品牌-PLANET,且始終堅持MIT,成立30年來,無論技術研發還是產品生產均堅持落腳台灣,至今成功行銷全球160餘國,位居世界級專業網通品牌之列,公司
The employer was active 5 jours ago
Logo of 優必闊科技股份有限公司 Ubiik Inc..
Ubiik is an IoT solution provider. Ubiik is the industry leader of Weightless™, the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology. Ubiik manufacturers and sells volume Weightless end device modules and Weightless base stations to system integration partners globally to develop their own custom solutions. Partners can also outsource the whole product development cycle to Ubiik. Everything from PCB layout, mechanical design, firmware, to device casing can be facilitated by Ubiik. Ubiik has leveraged Weightless to produce a tender
The employer was active 4 jours ago
Logo of 美商Antaira艾科揚股份有限公司.
美商Antaira Technologies是工業級網路設備的領導廠商,擁有國際頂尖的專業創新團隊,能有效提供客戶解決方案,並以客戶服務為本的精神經營品牌公司。提供多項乙太網路供電設備,不論是工業級寬溫PoE乙
The employer was active 2 jours ago
Logo of NextDrive 聯齊科技股份有限公司.
【關於 NextDrive】 • 科技最令人嚮往之處,就是讓我們見證世界因此受惠 NextDrive 的願景是實現「善用每一度電」的生活型態。透過一站式的能源物聯網 ( IoE ) 平台,NextDrive 提供電力公司、能源零售業者從感測裝置、閘道器等
The employer was active plus d’un an ago
Logo of 卡訊電子股份有限公司.
讓您更了解我們卡訊: >卡訊的Facebook: >〔哈佛商業評論專訪〕卡訊智慧會議室,大企業都愛用: >〔經濟日報專訪〕卡訊攻智慧辦公,遠距開會超有臨場感: >〔數位時
The employer was active 7 jours ago
Logo of 集博股份有限公司.
Tibbo Technology was founded in 2001. At the time, we were among the pioneers in developing serial-over-IP (SoI) controllers (a.k.a. “device servers” or “serial-to-Ethernet converters”), modules, and related PC software . Tibbo’s SoI products remain popular to this day. The success of the SoI product line became the stepping stone to a much more ambitious goal that was the very reason why Tibbo Technology was founded: We undertook to become a leader in hardware
The employer was active 5 mois ago
9F-3, No.31, Lane 169, Kang-Ning St., Hsi-Chih, New Taipei City, Taiwan 22180

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