CakeResume Job Search

Logo of 神坊資訊股份有限公司.
神坊資訊創立於西元1999年,是國泰霖園集團旗下的資訊公司,為了經得起市場的考驗,我們滾動式地微調經營決策與方針,如今在集團數位轉型的潮流中,扮演了科技驅動的重要角色: 神坊1.0:扎
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu
Logo of lativ.
lativ 為獨立營運的垂直整合電商,提供「平價且高品質」的服飾商品。 對外網站、App,內部行政、物流 ERP系統,皆由自家技術團隊一手打造。 為挑戰海外市場及更大的流量,我們採用最新的技術,微服務架構使
Perusahaan aktif lebih dari 1 tahun yang lalu
Logo of Leopard Mobile 台灣雪豹科技.
移動互聯網顛覆你我的未來生活方式,「雪豹科技」於2014年投入自主研發各種移動應用,包含Android/iOS的防毒《Security Master安全All霸》與照相軟體《PhotoGrid》。同時,也代理包含Google Play上下載次數破億的清理工具產品《Clean Master》、在
Perusahaan aktif lebih dari 3 tahun yang lalu
台北市信義區信義路五段 7 號 83 樓
Logo of PT Multisarana Bahteramandiri.
PT. Multisarana Bahteramandiri was established in February 1993, relatively young, but mature and qualified to render efficient & total logistics services for handling export & import and distribution : Ocean & air freight forwarding Inland transportation Warehousing Packing Machine installation
Perusahaan aktif lebih dari 1 tahun yang lalu
Jalan Kawasan Marunda Center, Sagara Makmur, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Logo of Lifesup Technology Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2017, Lifesup has grown from 2 employees to a 200-strong workforce building ICT infrastructure solutions for many organizations. Lifesup works with clients though a combination of deep-level business and technical expertise, an extensive knowledge of today's technologies, and a mature, highly capable delivery and services infrastructure. Lifesup's offerings help our customers improve processes, reduce data center and infrastructure costs, manage risk and governance and enhance top-line revenue. Our business approach is based on
Perusahaan aktif sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu
MHDI Building, No. 60, Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi City.
Logo of 雅賜福股份有限公司.
some industries to gain a competitive advantage, as the first step. The next step is to develop industry knowledge into a training-to-service model the same core digital tool, allowing participants to get on the road in a shorter time to provide services, so that current odd laborers can use their fragmented time to expand serviceable projects. When unmanned vehicles are mature, they can continue to plan their lives and careers in a flexible way. We have a firm ...
Perusahaan aktif lebih dari 2 tahun yang lalu
Logo of Zenport Inc..
Under the mission Be the common language for the global supply chain Zenport ( ) is a startup building an enterprise SaaS for global supply chain management ("SCM"), where a variety of stakeholders keep collaborating across borders and functions even amid the on-going, historical SCM disruptions. The product visualizes insights into clients' SCM process to support making decisions, offering a highly flexible, automated data integration across stakeholders, backed with the patented concept of a simplified and standardized
Perusahaan aktif 5 bulan yang lalu
〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ケ谷1丁目19−9 セルモビル千駄ヶ谷303号
Logo of 大門策略有限公司.
2019 年, 大門策略有限公司聚集來自各領域的菁英好手, 帶著團隊成員過去 10 年豐富且成功的專案執行經驗, 勇於突破既有框架,別樹一格的創新、創意的行銷活動設計, 對工作細節的執著與要求,打
Perusahaan aktif hampir 2 tahun yang lalu
Logo of RECOA - Renewable Construction Academy.
RECOA – Renewable Construction Academy is a global online training academy & community tailored to and focused on renewable industry professionals. A key challenge to the green transition is a shortage of skills and industry experience, with one of the biggest drivers being insufficient training and education. RECOA is committed to addressing this challenge through developing new talent and upskilling experienced professionals from other sectors. What is RECOA? A global online training academy & community tailored to and focused on renewable industry professionals
Perusahaan aktif 7 bulan yang lalu
14F., No. 206, Sec. 1, Keelung Rd., Taipei 110
Logo of 瞬聯科技股份有限公司.
CIeNET Technologies成立於2000年, 總部位於美國芝加哥,提供汽車、智能終端、電信、嵌入式、IoT領域的技術咨詢、軟體研發和解決方案服務,全球員工超過2000人,主要客戶為財富雜誌500強跨國企業。CIeNET目前在車載娛樂系
Perusahaan aktif 1 hari yang lalu

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