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Logo of 核心技術有限公司.
用「技術」和「想像」創造明日的價值。 核心技術Core Tech致力於以新技術和SEO對策為客戶提供網頁開發與問題解決的方案。總公司位於日本澀谷,以接受案件委託為業務中心,從介面設計、系統開發到後續
雇主活躍於 6 天前
Logo of 頂峰技術服務有限公司.
成立五年且排名前 30 大區塊鏈交易所,並於亞洲、歐洲、北美洲皆設有分部,在台灣分部辦公室(頂峰技術有限公司)您可以享有台灣勞健保福利保障,同時擁有跨國企業的管理制度、國際化的團隊合
雇主活躍於 2 個月前
台灣新竹縣竹北市復興三路二段168號9 樓 之 5
Logo of 工業技術研究院 (工研院,ITRI).
雇主活躍於 4 個月前
Logo of 奧特技術有限公司.
奧特技術公司核心理念為「智慧科技因人而異」,網羅各界科技菁英,提升核心價值,強化競爭力,並積極開創與國內外企業結盟合作契機; 面對網際網路持續演進,瞬息萬變,奧特技術持續跟上產業的
雇主活躍於超過 2 年前
Logo of 紅樓創新技術股份有限公司.
紅樓創新技術股份有限公司 是一間區塊鏈的新創公司,團隊成員都抱持著新創公司勇於面對挑戰、解決問題的精神。 紅樓創新融合web3區塊鏈技術與社交影響力圖譜,來鼓勵消費場景中的消費者
雇主活躍於 9 天前
Logo of 諭泰生物技術股份有限公司 Pythia Biotech Ltd..
We are… Pulmonary specialists, researchers in Medical Sciences and Engineering, and care-takers in Respiratory. Organ on minilabs is a ground breaking technology where microfluidic, organoids, and bioreactor integrated and presented on a microscope-slide size chip. It provides an insight of the human body and also provides a platform for testing new drugs when the clinical trials is not feasible. Lung-on-minilabs is not reconstituting a whole lung, but it is to set up an environment which has
雇主活躍於 2 個月前
Logo of 台灣網格技術股份有限公司.
Meshub is a software based company focusing on Distributed P2P Edge Computing Network. We build software and ultra low latency video streaming protocol to enable the power of distributed edge computing. We aim to play a key role in 5G infrastructure for Smart City in order to bridge Web3.0 era in the future.
雇主活躍於 6 個月前
Logo of 亞鎂檢測技術有限公司.
Amax Systems Company Limited is focusing on software and mechanical structure design. We dedicate ourselves to various kinds of static and dynamic tester and extend our production line to the other fields gradually. Our current founder, Mr. David Dai, founded RMAX Science and Technology Ltd. in 1991, after working in National Chung-Shan Institute for advanced research for years. RMAX’s main business is to design and produce “Universal Material Tester”, “Auto Parts Tester”, “Steward Platform”, “Wheel Rim Tester” and
雇主活躍於大約 3 年前
Logo of 博桉生物技術股份有限公司.
Albcura is a research-based company aiming to solve unattended industrial problem with our expert team. In 2018, we launched our deAlbumin product line. It is a chemical-defined version of recombinant human serum albumin, which will deliver good consistency and robust performance to our customers.
雇主活躍於大約 4 年前
Logo of 博桉生物技術股份有限公司.
Albcura is a research-based company aiming to solve unattended industrial problem with our expert team. Bringing more effective and more affordable pharmaceutical solutions to the world. In 2018, we launched our deAlbumin product. It is a chemical-defined version of recombinant human serum albumin, which will deliver good consistency and robust performance to our customers. delivering good consistency and robust performance to our customers.
雇主活躍於大約 4 年前

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