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Logo of SIA Engineering Company 新航工程有限公司.
SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC) is Asia’s foremost Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) provider. With certifications from more than 20 airworthiness authorities, SIAEC’s global MRO network, including six hangars in Singapore and three hangars in Philippines, delivers turn-key integrated solutions to a large client base of international airlines and aerospace companies. SIAEC offers extensive MRO services on current and new generation widebody and narrowbody aircraft. Our maintenance facilities provide complete MRO services in airframe, line, cabin, fleet management
雇主活躍於 4 個月前
Logo of 宇榮高爾夫科技股份有限公司.
1993年11月 宇榮高爾夫科技創立 秉持著『精進踏實、理性和諧、創新求變、誠信經營』的企業理念 為國內最大的OEM高爾夫球專業製造廠 2011年5月 推出自創品牌 FOREMOST 高爾夫球 由高球名師 呂西鈞代言 FOREMOST 頂
雇主活躍於 6 個月前

CakeResume 找工作

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