CakeResume 找工作

Logo of Talent Basket.
Founded in 2010, Talent Basket is a cross-border digital consultancy and workforce platform. We provide full-service digital transformation and marketing solutions for enterprise clients, including strategic planning, activation campaign, digital upskilling, and open innovation programs. We offer our on-demand workforce solution for small to midsize businesses connecting them with our global pool of Gen Z talent for digital marketing, social commerce, and growth hacking projects We believe the world is a better place when more people can
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
松德路 161號17樓
Logo of AppWorks School.
涯選擇。 然而,這些新興企業需要的專長,如日新月異的開發工具,或是行為標籤、資料科學、成長駭客 (Growth Hacking)、開發營運 (DevOps) 等新領域,都是傳統學校體系難以跟上腳步的。也因此,我們觀察到學校與新興科
雇主活跃于 4 天前
台灣台北市中正區仁愛路二段 99 號
Logo of 每日幣研.
群。 創始人皆為2017年以前就已經開始接觸加密貨幣的區塊鏈愛好者,於人才配置方面更依據廣告、Growth Hacking、SEO、社群行銷等專業分配不同職責,也有相對應的專業經理人負責,創辦至今維持高速運作及
雇主活跃于大约 1 个月前
Logo of
Intro Portaly is an AI enhanced Social Commerce Solution , launched in April 2022. Portaly AI was launched in June 2023 on Product Hunt , winning Product of the Day ( Media Coverage ) With Portaly AI, users can turn websites into a single Social Landing Page with a click. Currently, Portaly has 50k+ signup users , with an organic MoM growth of 15%, and 40%+ global traffic . Portaly is also the largest platform in the Chinese community. -- Portaly 是現今全球最
雇主活跃于 4 天前
Taiwan, 台北市大安區復興南路一段352號5F

CakeResume 找工作
