CakeResume 找工作

Logo of 聖勝科技有限公司.
雇主活跃于大约 16 小时前
Logo of PT. Kindwin Opto Technology.
Indonesia's Sales Representative office from Kindwin Technology (HK) Ltd., as the headquarters established in Hong Kong in 1993, whose factory and research center Kindwin Opto Electronic(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. was founded in Shenzhen in China in 2002. Covering an area of 15,000 square meters, is a global professional leading LED manufacturer. With strong R&D capacity, talent technicians, advanced automatics machinery and rich experience in optoelectronics. Our company gained lots of Patents, including 6 the United States and
雇主活跃于 7 个月前
Logo of 宥億企業股份有限公司.
業所代理的產品種類有針對WLAN及blue tooth4.0量測的無線Wifi&BT綜合測試儀、紅外線熱影像儀、掌上型LCR METER、數位式示波器、掌上型邏輯分析儀、函數及任意波訊號產生器、向量訊號產生器、頻譜分析儀、LCR METER
雇主活跃于 10 个月前
Logo of 優必闊科技股份有限公司 Ubiik Inc..
the whole product development cycle to Ubiik. Everything from PCB layout, mechanical design, firmware, to device casing can be facilitated by Ubiik. Ubiik has leveraged Weightless to produce a tender-winning, wireless AMI solution. Ubiik’s AMI connectivity solution is “meter-manufacturer agnostic” and “MDMS agnostic”. Ubiik along with strategic partners will continue to enter AMI related tenders and RFPs (request for proposals). Other Ubiik verticals powered by Weightless LPWAN technology include ePaper signage and GPS trackers. 優必闊
雇主活跃于 10 天前
akan memastikan pelanggan kami memiliki layanan purna jual yang baik. Sebagai distributor alat laboratorium terdepan, kami akan selalu memberikan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggan kami. Pelanggan kami saat ini terus berkembang di berbagai industri: makanan, minuman, susu, obat-obatan, bahan kimia, pusat penelitian, universitas, produsen, dll. Saat ini, kami telah ditunjuk untuk mewakili dan mendistribusikan instrumen laboratorium seperti osmometer dari Advanced Instruments (USA), refraktometer dan polarimeters dari Bellingham dan Stanley (UK), pH meter dan titrator dari SI Analytics (Jerman), termometer dan ...
雇主活跃于大约 1 年前
Sentra Niaga Puri Indah Blok T3 No. 6, Kembangan, Kembangan Selatan - Jakarta Barat 11610
Logo of 茂迪股份有限公司.
來維護地球的潔凈,盡到身為世界公民的責任,讓後代子孫可以呼吸到清新的空氣。 茂迪在1981年以"Meter International Corporation"名稱成立,初期以設計及生產高級測量儀器起家,之後投身於太陽能光電產業,並於1997年成
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
Logo of Amazing 晶焱科技股份有限公司.
我們需要你及妳,一起成就世界第一的目標。 晶焱科技是一家IC 設計公司,目前階段性的目標是成為ESD 領域中的世界第一。ESD領域是指以半導體技術為基礎,讓所有的電子裝置產品,都可以避免靜
雇主活跃于超过 1 年前
Logo of 大同股份有限公司.
雇主活跃于超过 2 年前
Logo of AcBel 康舒科技股份有限公司.
雇主活跃于 1 天前
臺北市北投區中央南路二段 18 號

CakeResume 找工作
