CakeResume 找工作

Logo of 丞相帶風象行銷有限公司.
值得你認識的台灣科技新創公司 我們是一群團隊年齡平均25的年輕人,團隊成員背景豐富,從網路行銷起家的我們,橫向擴大公司服務到不動產產業,縱向驅動服務串連大學營隊產業。在成立不
雇主活躍於 19 天前
Logo of 思想聯合品牌企畫有限公司.
我們立足於台中的互聯網設計公司,專注運用互聯網技術發展品牌數位化溝通的推手,我們期望結合各方領域專才,打造具有想像力產品及解決客戶數位上需求! 我們採行扁平式的團隊管理沒
雇主活躍於 9 個月前
Logo of 尚凡國際.
一間用科技為人們帶來愛情與幸福的公司 加入尚凡一起玩樂打拚 100 年,成為工作、創業、生活的好夥伴!
雇主活躍於超過 4 年前
台北市大安區羅斯福路三段 37 號 12 樓
Logo of IYUNO 韓商艾語諾有限公司台灣分公司.
Iyuno-SDI Group is a global entertainment technology and localization company serving the world's leading entertainment studios in dubbing, subtitling and media services with 67 offices across 34 countries. We provide end-to-end global media services that enhance global storytelling through expert fluency, a seamless and secure experience and connected network. A technology trailblazer with grounded core values centered around quality and simplicity in an ever-changing industry. Using its sophisticated in-house technology for all product and
雇主活躍於 3 個月前
Logo of 內容好好有限公司 (ContenThrive Co.) .
ContenThrive is not a film production company, but a tech company producing films & storytelling content. We focus on turning ideas into pilots and fostering original and fresh concepts to become valuable IP (Intellectual Property) with a data-driven mindset. Striving for innovation in storytelling and exploration of new business models for filmmakers and content creators is our mission. By adopting the approach of Producing 2.0, we boost the story/IP to find the right format and the proper ways
雇主活躍於超過 2 年前
Logo of NAXS FUTURE 涅所未來.
作,深度探索 數位文化 思潮前沿,尋找未來美學的無限可能。 NAXS FUTURE is a future-oriented interdisciplinary creative studio, formerly known as NAXS CORP, an new media art collective active in the field of art and design, with more than ten years of experience in art creation and event planning. We are a young, idealistic and highly executive team committed to creating a forward-looking and
雇主活躍於大約 15 小時前
Logo of 斐品整合行銷公關顧問有限公司.
雇主活躍於 18 天前
Logo of 美商潶品克股份有限公司台灣分公司.
Zenpack x Haptik 我們是由一群中西文化不同背景的品牌規劃師,行銷推廣師,平面與網頁設計師、社群與媒體操作專家、數據分析師、市場調查與策略規劃師、創意策略師等組成,擁有北美設計與行銷推廣資
雇主活躍於 5 個月前
Logo of 遊悅科技股份有限公司.
Kooapps is a mobile game design and development studio. We have over 400 million downloads across iOS, Android, Blackberry and the Windows Phone. We are an indie gaming studio. We work very hard to polish our games because our dream is to create thet global gaming brand. We are just getting started. Kooapps expanded into Taiwan in search for like minded partners to realize its vision. Kooapps corp 是一家獨立遊戲工作室, 在美
雇主活躍於 9 天前
Logo of IndoMedia Promotion.
di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Berawal dari sebuah perusahaan yang melayani kebutuhan desain grafis dari para Klien, IndoMedia Promotion kemudian berkembang melayani berbagai kebutuhan pembuatan dan pemasangan media promosi dari para Klien, baik itu untuk keperluan media luar ruang seperti T-Banner, Baliho dan sebagainya maupun untuk keperluan media dalam ruang seperti wall branding, poster dan sebagainya. Saat ini, IndoMedia Promotion juga mendukung pembuatan konten untuk promosi digital atau digital marketing seperti landing page, website, konten media sosial dan sebagainya.
雇主活躍於超過 1 年前
Jl. Rungkut Madya No.121, Rungkut Kidul, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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