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超過3年以上國際性活動舉辦與領導經驗,參與影音剪輯、企劃發想等不同領域項目。 半年的活動企劃專案規劃經驗,主責之智慧生活系列Podcast一週單集不重複下載次數破20000 邏輯清晰、善於溝通協調,享受新事物帶給我的挑戰與從中獲得的學習成長 Hold and lead international events for over 3years, participated in events planning, hosting, and video editing. Effective communicator and leader - a proactive person who loves to learn new things and take on new challenges.
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(IDB, MOEA) 經濟部工業局
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東吳大學 Soochow University

Professional Background

  • Current status
  • Profession
    Marketing Strategy Planner
  • Fields
    Consumer Electronics
  • Work experience
    1-2 years (Less than 1 year relevant)
  • Management
  • Skills
  • Languages
  • Highest level of education

Job search preferences

  • Desired job type
    Interested in working remotely
  • Desired positions
  • Desired work locations
    New Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taipei City, Taiwan
    Taoyuan City, Taiwan
  • Freelance

Work Experience

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活動計畫管理師(Event Planner)

8월 2022 - Present
工作內容 | 從事各式有助於形象推廣、業務推廣之活動企劃提案、執行與人力安排、派遣等工作 | 商業活動統籌規劃執行 |擔任聯繫窗口,負責活動前期洽談、整體活動規劃、專案時程控管、活動現場執行、臨時狀況排除以及活動後效益分析 ◆ 工作成就 智慧生活Podcast系列|企劃撰寫及溝通聯繫,時程進度掌控、活動執行與現場監督,Podcast一週單集不重複下載次數破20000 2022 SDIA Award 前瞻顯示大賞|擔任聯繫窗口,協助活動規劃執行,群創、友達等共計 28家廠商投件並於多家電子、網路、平面媒體露出 產業推動|陌生開發、協助我國顯示產業廠商轉型升級、政府政策計畫推廣宣導 ◆ Job description Marketing activity planning and execution|Organize and execute events for project promotions Project management|Plan writing, internal and external communication, schedule control, activity execution, and on-site supervision Media PR Promotion|Highlighting technological development and cooperation achievements so as to increase the visibility of individual projects. Cold Calling|Communicate project objectives to stakeholders, and provide instructions for use or promotion ◆ Achievements Podcast Promotion| 5 Podcast episodes to promote Smart Display Industry, reached over 20000 unique downloads per episode Advertising planning and execution│Advertisement products & promotion events planning and execution


9월 2018 - 1월 2022
3 yrs 5 mos
◆ 工作內容 活動企劃|舉辦過逾10場國際性活動,包含國際馬 拉松賽事東吳超馬賽事,參與人數逾百人 典禮主持|擔任國際生歡迎會英文主持,活動現場 百人氣氛活躍 影片製作|編譯、剪輯東吳大學介紹短片,供國際 學生觀看 ◆ 學習&成長 團隊合作|志工團隊人數龐大,發揮良好團隊合作 精神,安排整場活動順利進行 領導能力|擔任團隊組長,組織近20位志工舉辦 東吳國際生歡迎晚會 溝通協調整合|擔任東吳校方、國際學生與國際處 三方橋樑 危機處理|面對活動中產生的突發狀況,做出有效 率的應變 執行 PDCA | 規劃並邀請校方人員及國際生,定 期檢視活動缺失及改善會議 ◆ Job Description Event Planning & Execution|hold over 10 international events including Soochow International Ultra-marathon with over 100 participants Master of Ceremony |work as the host in English for the welcome party for international students Film Making|translate and edit a video for an introduction to Soochow University ◆ What I've learned Team Work|work as a good team player and work with other volunteers Leadership|serve as the team leader for the welcome party for international students, leading nearly 20 volunteers during the event Communication & Cooperation|act as the bridge between international students and the school's administrative office Crisis Management|efficiently respond to emergency crisis PDCA Execution | hold regular meetings for evaluation so as to review and improve deficiencies during every events


2월 2021 - 9월 2021
8 mos
◆ 工作內容 | 閱讀/ 統整/彙編每日紙本及電子之國際及政治新聞 | 協助外交部新聞科發布每日重大新聞稿與聲明 ◆ 學習&成長 強化整合及聚焦能力|整合歸納各家新聞重點 多元思考能力|各家媒體對同件事報導角度與寫法 不同,跳脫框架思考 擴展國際觀及視野|國際關係敏銳度培養 ◆ Job description | collect/analyze daily news from international &political fields | assistance in making press releases and statements for the spokesman and the Ministry ◆ What I've learned Resource Integration|coordinating information and main points from all media in the shortest period of time Critical & IndependantThinking|to be able to look at issues neutrally and to think outside of the box Broaden International Perspectives| cultivate my sensitivity on international relations
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1월 2021 - 3월 2021
3 mos
◆ 工作內容 國際新聞編譯 | 編輯並翻譯各大外媒平台諸如美聯社、法新社等發布之新聞電報,並上傳至中央社官網供中文讀者閱覽 文書處理 | 協助編輯、修正駐外記者編寫之採訪文章 ◆ 學習&成長 新聞稿編寫技巧|英翻中之每日新聞稿編寫 多面向整合|需編譯之新聞種類含括財經、運動、社會、娛樂等等,涉略整合各領域知識 效率學習|身為新聞界新手,積極主動向前輩請教,一個月內作品即獲同事、上司肯定 ◆ job description International news editing & translation | translate dispatches from foreign news media into Chinese so as to provide daily news for the readers in Taiwan. Article revising |compile articles and interviews made by our foreign correspondent. ◆ What I've learned News writing & English translation skills|to be able to write daily news and translate it into Chinese. Extensive information learning & integration|to be able to learn and catch the point from all fields including Business, Sports, Entertainment, Social news, etc. in the shortest period of time. Efficient learning|earned recognition for my work performance in within a month by actively reviewing and advising my seniors.


8월 2019 - 9월 2019
2 mos
◆ 工作內容 口譯人員|擔任2場國際記者會與之1場選手歡迎會 之典禮嘉賓現場逐步口譯人員 外賓接待|接待外國媒體、選手,協助解決問題 ◆ 學習&成長 外部溝通協調|接洽外國媒體、擔任媒體人員與主 辦方知溝通橋梁 內部溝通協調|內部團隊協調、合作 多工處理|負責多元腳色,現場機動配合,外賓接 待以及場內秩序維護 臨場應變|快速處理臨時危機,以利活動順利進行 ◆ Job description Consecutive Interpreter|English consecutive interpreting for 2 press conferences, and 1 welcome party for all the international athletes Guest Receptionist|receiving international athletes and the media staff ◆ What I've learned External Communication|act as the bridge between the press and the organizer of the event Internal Coordination| cooperation and coordination with team members Multitasking|in charge of various works and responsibilities including receiving guests , maintaining orders on the field and stand-by crew. Spontaneous Respopnses|resolving emergency crisis in the shortest period of time for the event to proceed smoothly


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Bachelor’s Degree
2017 - 2022