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我是張豐麟 Triton,畢業於國立台灣師範大學並取得國立台灣海洋大學航運管理學系碩士,任職於政府機構已有22年的資歷,工作內容主要耕耘於港埠管理、航空站經營、路網建置、交通安全推廣及非營利組織公關聯繫窗口。 工作上善於理性思考、樂於學習及擁抱挑戰,且擅長分析各方關係人的需求並協助雙方尋求共識,工作歷練包含馬祖南竿及屏北機場航務管理、籌辦第一屆臺灣自行車節、籌辦第一屆國際衝浪賽、連續兩年負責擔任外交部駐臺使節參訪導覽活動,目前任職於彰化縣政府經濟暨綠能發展處,負責推動彰化離岸風電運維港建設及後續BOT招商。 I am a highly motivated senior technical specialist with 21 years of experience in transportation management, airport operation & construction, harbour operation & construction, road network planning & construction, NGO contact agent and BOT project promoting. I have a proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions to clients and have worked on various projects throughout my career. I am seeking a challenging role in a company with vision, where I can leverage my skills and experience to contribute to the success of the organization.
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