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Albert Houllou
Chief Executive Officer
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Albert Houllou

Chief Executive Officer
Albert Houllou is an accomplished executive who has all the necessary skills to succeed in his field, including a demonstrated talent for inspiring high-performing teams and managing all facets of global sales management operations. His key strengths are spearheading consistently successful new business ventures and collaborating with other departments like marketing and finance. In addition, Albert's value as a leader will be well received by company leaders because of his track record on satisfying financial targets while also making sure that decisions are made through consensus among stakeholders at different levels. Under Albert Houllou’s direction, F&E Trading has grown into one of the region’s premier electronics distributors, offering high-end digital goods such as digital cameras, televisions, projectors, and receivers from industry-leading retailers like Sony, Fuji, Panasonic, and Samsung. In his effort to reach the broadest market, he has put together a team of experienced salespeople to provide service in more than a half-dozen languages. Prior to founding F&E Trading, Albert Houllou played key roles in several leading consumer electronics firms, and he understands that customer service translates into business success. With this in mind, he has developed a team of highly trained sales associates and customer service representatives who offer support in English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, French, Spanish, and other languages. When not performing his daily duties at F&E Trading LLC, Houllou contributes to the betterment of his community. He is known to donate to a variety of social and community organizations. He functions both as a member of the Fraternal Order of Police and the Police Benevolent Association. A devoted family man, Albert Houllou can often be found spending time with his wife and children in Monmouth County, New Jersey.
F&E Trading LLC
Rutgers University
Somerset, New Jersey, USA



  • 目前状态
  • 专业
  • 产业
  • 工作年资
    15 年以上 (15 年以上相关工作经验)
  • 管理经历
    我有管理 15 人以上的经验
  • 技能
    Business Development
    Sales Management
    Growth Marketing
    Performance Marketing
    Partnerships Development
  • 语言能力
  • 最高学历


  • 预期工作模式
  • 希望获得的职位
  • 期望的工作地点
  • 接案服务



2012年1月 - 现在
Albert Houllou is Chief Executive Officer of F&E Trading LLC, a distributor of all kinds of digital equipment and electronics, with focus on providing consumers with high-quality, brand-name digital cameras, recorders, camcorders, televisions, and other products from well-known brands. He holds a wide range of responsibilities at this rapidly expanding and privately held consumer electronics company. The executive is in charge of all major decisions regarding company policy and strategy. He promotes initiatives that boost employee morale and is also responsible for advising the Board of Directors. Over the course of his tenure at the company, Albert Houllou has been instrumental in driving organizational change.


Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Business Management
1994 - 1998