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1. 研究所在英國攻讀生物科技商業管理學位,參與過兩次商業競賽,並且專精於市場分析和策略規劃。 2. 在交大就讀學士學位時,曾在腫瘤治療實驗室做過兩年半的專題,因此熟悉基本實驗操作。 3. 大學畢業前往英國攻讀研究所前,曾在廣告公司作為一名獨立的設計師工作過一年,在美學和以人為本的探索過程中找到平衡,並且加強了與客戶溝通協商的能力。
Shiang Fa Image Design
University of Warwick

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    Market Research
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Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Graphic Designer

03/2019 - 08/2019
6 mos
作為一名獨立的平面設計師,參與過公司的大小專案,例如:馬偕醫院宣傳海報、國小課輔班的視覺設計包含馬克杯、書籤和橫幅。參與從視覺設計、印刷色定稿到材質選擇,也在一來一往的溝通過程中,學習到視覺呈現、消息傳遞、客戶需求和預算拿捏中取得平衡。 1. Independent in managing a project of visual design cases and familiar with the arrangement of layout and suitable colour application. 2. Learn lots of concept and applications of printing.

Học vấn

Master of Science (MS)
Biotechnology and business management
2019 - 2020
Các hoạt động xã hội
Warwick Volunteer (2019/9~2020/4) 1. 參與過 Teaching Technology to Elders Event and Drawing for Small Patients Event。 2. 除了上述的大型活動外也參與了社團中其他大小活動,不只從中學習到了團隊合作、溝通、和表達自我的能力,也在人與中交流的過程中了解各國文化、尊重包容,更藉此向外國朋友們介紹自己成長的環境和文化習俗。 Warwick Volunteer (Jan 2020 - Sep 2020) 1. Participate in Teaching Technology to Elders Event and Drawing for Small Patients Event to enhance my communication and teamwork skills. 2. Through these activities, I broaden my horizon and embrace cultural differences.
Mô tả
Project : The application and perspectives of Tumour-treating fields and its business development. 1. The project aims to explore potential application in other cancers and find out its treating characters. 2. In the business report, predict the market size for five years by 2025 and analyze the strategy of industry and enterprise and its future perspectives. Courses Experiences 1. 市場分析 參與過系上的創業創新競賽,將現有的技術加以改良創立新的品牌,規劃品牌定位、目標客群、短中長期目標、專利申請、市場分析、資金籌措以及退場機制,最後會由三位創投評估是否投資。 每年有15%的農作物因為病蟲害而損失,在評估的市場進入容易度之後,以聚焦在澳洲農業市場的Nano-scanner,以螢光偵測病原種類,並且以無人機噴灑抗原或殺蟲劑以解決目前農業病蟲害的問題。很榮幸的在最後決審受到其中一位創投的青睞。 當中我的職責是市場規劃、目標客群分析以及財務規劃 市場分析:分析市場中潛在的競爭者,並且評估以技術合作的方式降低新創公司在一開始的資金投入,規劃一系列的營銷模式,比如每年在澳洲超過500場農業相關的貿易展。 財務規劃 :評估從機器、廠房、人力、技術合作到資金籌措方式,比如澳洲政府的創業基金等的成本規劃。 2. 策略規劃 在一項模擬公司的競賽中,要規劃產品線、廣告頭方方式和制定企業整體商業、財務和營運政策,在兩季模擬經營以及五季的正式營運後,營收相較於第一季的表現增加15倍,並在評估各項表現後,以第二名脫穎而出。 其中負責的是品牌視覺設計、產品定位和營運策略制定 視覺設計:負責公司logo、網頁背景設計 產品定位:在評估過各州的市場潛在性後,不同於其他組的經營策略,鎖定在中階層價位,並且突出各項商品的一兩項功能,以期以中價位打入高價消費市場。 營運策略:公司整體以保守財務規劃為主,旨於技術研發,鎖定特定市場降低過度擴張的成本。 1. I got second prize at company manipulation competition and higher the revenue more than 15 times after 5 seasons operating. 2. The competition and large number of business reports I wrote let me familiar with strategic planning and marketing research. 3. Based on dominant marketing skills, I’m usually responsible for market and strategy planning in group work, e.g. in other company manipulation, I’m chairperson and responsible for the business management of whole company, an agriculture biosensor brand.
Bachelor of Science (BS)
2013 - 2017
Các hoạt động xã hội
Student Association PR Department 交大學生會公關部- School Christmas Party (Jan 2014 - Sep 2015) 1. 參與舉辦了一場兩校聯合300人的聖誕晚會,在公關部負責協調企業、飯店贊助和廣告配置。 2. 從廣告投放和配置的過程中學習在廠商期望和消費者心理中取得平衡。在和廠商周旋協調的過程中增進了溝通能力,和商品介紹的技巧。最後是在作為接待人員的過程中,學習危機和突發狀況處理。 1. Hold a Christmas party for 300 people, set up a project for budget, advertisement, activities arrangement and responsible for negotiating with restaurants and hotels about sponsor. 2. Experienced in market analysis from advertisement placement and strengthened the communication skill with different industries to promote our event and show what we can benefit them. Alumni Association 交大桃友會(Sep 2014 - Jan 2017) 1. 在美宣部門負責海報、小手冊和名牌設計。 2. 在公關部門負責廠商贊助、企畫協調。 3. 在桃友會的兩年多間,從一開始的小組員學習團隊間的合作溝通,到後來成為幹部負擔起 領導職責,也在各項繁複的庶務中學會更有條有理的規劃作為。 1. Executive of the artistic design department and responsible for poster, banner and brochure design. 2. Executive of public relation department and responsible for communicating with enterprises for sponsorship.
Mô tả
在交通大學生物科技系完成學士學位,加入腫瘤實驗室兩年半,專題題目是藉由刺激B-cell activating factors激發個人免疫系統以對抗腫瘤, 擁有扎實的科學操作基礎。在學期間除了系上的課程,也誇領域的插足資工、管院、建築所的課程,探索多面向的發展潛能和興趣,其中在建築所的課程讓我開始學習發現和觀察生活中的細節,並且條理分析並加以修改以切合生活所需, 這樣的思考模式影響了我往後的生涯規劃。 Project in the cancer research lab, Department of Biotechnology, National Chiao Tung University (Jun, 2015 - Jun, 2017) 1. Topic : Low dose of Mitomycin C activated macrophage and stimulated BAFF secretion. 2. Through mitomycin C, a chemotherapy agent, to activate macrophage and stimulated B-cell activating factor secretion, induces individual immune systems to anti-tumour, which implement precision medicine in tumour treatment. 3. I’m familiar with the lab routine and biology technology operation, including cell culture, PCR, ELISA, electrophoresis, cloning, drug treatment, protein isolation and DNA/RNA extraction.