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近兩年服務於台北公關顧問公司,擔任資深專案執行,主要服務品牌為雀巢水解蛋白配方衛教宣導專案主要執行人,並於2020年與中研院研究員、台敏醫學會共同合作,辦理衛教宣導記者會。更同時參與各項專案,例如:雀巢1000天營養計畫新品VIP活動、線上媽媽教室、孕哺營養教室、西門子媒體餐會、兒科與婦產科類型醫學會會展規劃等。 也曾於醫院服務將近4年的公關經驗,工作執掌為:記者會辦理、撰寫新聞稿、媒體聯誼會、員工運動會企劃撰寫與執行、並擔任2017年年終尾牙活動總策劃人、辦理院內文化藝廊展覽安排,於醫院工作第二年始擔任大學實習生業界導師3年,獲醫院頒發民國107年度優良教師。 曾任2018年普悠瑪翻車事故公關聯絡人之一,協同醫療公關發言人蒐集傷者資訊並擬定統一回覆媒體詢問及舉辦傷者及醫護人員感恩論壇,告慰傷者及安撫心靈受創之醫護人員,也曾參與偏鄉醫療團隊義診,經歷八仙塵爆、普悠瑪翻覆事故中,培養醫療公關經驗。 大學時期社團為電影製作社,向社團外聘導師學習了許多分鏡、腳本拍攝、剪輯相關知識與技能,也於課後至補習班修習平面設計、影音剪輯、3D模型建置等。 工作之餘,也曾參觀各種展覽、舞台劇演出也曾進修獲主持培訓,主持過2場記者會,1場合作簽約儀式司儀,雖然非設計類本科生但作為個人興趣,假日時間常有油畫、寫生、速寫、攝影,也喜歡拼圖、木工DIY等簡單手做項目。 My name is Yi Ching Shen,From Taoyuan. I graduated from Minghsin University of Science and Technology and my major was in International Business. There are 5 people in my family. My father works in the Paper mill as a qualified worker and my mother is a housewife, Because of Childhood education, I developed an independent personality. In order to lighten my parents burden, I took several part-time job, like Pharmacist assistant. From those working experience, I learned many great skills in dealing with people. My first job and my colleagues plan the site together have websites, such as Highwealth Construction Company from 2014 to 2015. Second job was at the Medical care PR responsible for media transaction, responsibilities were the social media ,press conference, end-of-year party and Family day ,at the from 2015 to 2019. Third job was at the ECPR responsible for media transaction, responsibilities were the press conference, press release and advertising article ,at the from 2019 to 2021. In college period, I was awarded of the multi-characteristics of Marketing. So I browsed all kinds of multimedia design and try to learn every courses of communication issue that school offered such as marketing, design, writing and even filming. I am outgoing ,easy to get along with, and very active.I study the experience across areas Data processing,Marketing and design. Because of this life experience , I learned more things, like Marketing skills, organizing group activities and art design .
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