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Yu-Chi, Fu

接案經驗四年,任職於互動媒體設計領域近三年,職內側重側重視覺規劃與管理、場景模擬、3D 設計。 擅長 3D 設計、場景渲染、平面設計、動態影像,用以平衡工作狀態,個人 side project 則聚焦在以三維圖像、錄像等媒材處理人的情感與關係。 Yu-Chi, Fu is a visual designer, 3D artist based in Taipei, Taiwan. Focused on 3D, graphics, motion and digital design. Involved in the fields of art, fashion, installation, culture and music. Recently been focusing on merging human emotions, relationships with various media, such as 3d art, video art, digital graphics.
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