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林書宇 Shuyu Lin

擁有四年以上產品規劃、專案控管相關經驗的產品經理。有良好的覺察能力與責任感,且學習力強,能理解多數技術機制與文件並有效利用。沈穩又帶點幽默的個性使我不管是在同事或客戶間皆能良好地溝通。期望找尋一個具願景且國際化的團隊來發展個人職涯。 A passionate product manager with over 4 years of experience in product planning and project control. A Capricorn with a great sense of awareness and responsibility. A quick learner who can work well with technology. A stable but humorous personality that always facilitates good communication. I wish to be part of a company with vision and a focus on the international market.
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