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許安均 Jewel_Hsu

曾在家樂福行銷loyalty team任職資料分析師,對會員經營/營運感興趣。 負責 CRM 資料分析與平台管理,在規劃顧客旅程的過程,時常思考什麼產品、服務是顧客與合作夥伴想要或需要的。 擅於運用資料策劃行銷;喜歡透過數據發掘問題脈絡、思考如何優化作業流程。 CRM data analyst / operation specialist with 3+ years of experience in campaign analysis and customer's journey design. Experience in developing and running CRM projects at a retailer with 9 million members. Passionate about resolving operational challenges through innovative solutions, effective cross-functional cooperation and data-driven thinking.
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