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Lisung Chang 常立松

A bilingual (Mandarin/English), result-driven and experienced attorney with wide spectrums of experience for companies in cloud computing and semiconductor industries. Thrived in dynamic environments and quickly adapts to the ever-changing demands from internal or external clients with outstanding skills in innovative problem solving, interpersonal communication, executive management and counseling on a large variety of issues in complex transactions or other legal matters. worked relentlessly to achieve success. 16年矽谷科技業法務經驗, 具有從半導體晶片到雲端系統廠完整供應鏈經驗的美國律師. 善於用淺顯易懂的中英文, 向公司其他非法律專業的管理團隊, 解釋複雜的法律關係或議題, 務實提供風險控管與損益分析, 促進領導共識形成的效率 Core Competencies Team Leadership, Crisis Management, Corporate Communications, Strategic Planning, Process Improvement, Project Management, Commercial and Licensing, Compliance, Litigation management 專長與經驗: 推動合約流程自動化;開始建立公司法遵的基本流程及培訓;管理全球訴訟;解決土地權狀糾紛;協調並監管營建工程;爭取地方補助;主導審閱公司所有關鍵合約的簽訂;強化供應鏈夥伴關係;調節人事糾紛;建立業務爭議解決機制;協調公司稅制策略調整與全球化佈局; 改進公司全球化營業項目;全球進出口管制合規;與策略夥伴組建合資公司;建立並推動全球隱私與資安標準流程與合規及其危機處理機制;處理公司內部獨立調查;處理監管單位查察;管理集團訴訟及衍生訴訟;準備對策對應公司下市,及恢復上市規劃;組織媒體策略對應不實報導; 以及快速反應疫情期間諸多議題
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