Avatar of Pham Gia Lap.
Pham Gia Lap
Frontend Developer
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Pham Gia Lap

Frontend Developer
I'm Full Stack Software Engineer with 3 years of experience in Web Development. I have 3 years of experience in Modern Front-End Web Development and 1 years of NodeJS technologies With my knowledge of UX-UI design, I enjoy solving front-end problems and creating the best user experience for users. I also spend time learning new technologies and best practices to become a better engineer
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Saigon Technology University
Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

Trình độ chuyên môn

  • Tình trạng hiện tại
  • Nghề nghiệp
  • Lĩnh vực
  • Kinh nghiệm làm việc
    2-4 năm (2-4 năm liên quan)
  • Kinh nghiệm quản lý
    Chưa có
  • Kỹ năng
    Node.js / Express.js
  • Ngôn ngữ
    Sơ cấp
  • Trình độ học vấn cao nhất

Ưu tiên tìm kiếm việc làm

  • Hình thức làm việc mong muốn
    Quan tâm đến làm việc từ xa
  • Vị trí làm việc mong muốn
  • Địa điểm làm việc mong muốn
  • Freelance
    Freelancer bán thời gian

Kinh nghiệm làm việc

Fullstack Developer

08/2022 - Hiện tại
- Description: A web app which helps manage logistics trucking, drivers, suppliers and client'a booking - Technologies: + Front-end: Nuxt 3 + Typescript + Tailwindcss + Back-end: NodeJS + MongoDB - Responsibilities: + Implement important sections of the frontend application. Reviewing code & mentoring fresher members of the team to ensure code quality + Communicate with Product Owner and stakeholders on generating product road map

Frontend Developer

08/2020 - 08/2022
2 yrs 1 mo
- Description: A web app e-commerce platform in Vietnam which provides online motorbike transactions based on AI technology (intellectual artificial) and Big Data. This is a well-designed platform suitable for user needs, providing customers with an easy, safe and fast online motorbike shopping experience - Technologies: + Legacy front-end project: Vue 2, Vuex, Vuetify UI - Responsibilities: + Maintaining OKXE's legacy system, refactoring code + Define the architecture and coding convention, and set up CI/CD system for the whole front-end of the project

Intern Developer

08/2019 - 08/2020
1 yr 1 mo
- Description: Learing new technologies, joining in projects to gain more experiences - Technologies: Wordpress + Vue + React

Học vấn

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Engineer’s Degree
Information of technology
2016 - 2020