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michel marsh

The airline is aware that not everything always goes according to plan. You may occasionally need to reschedule your trip or even cancel your flight. Your ability to alter or cancel your flight on Air Canada will, in this scenario, depend on the ticket you have booked and the circumstances surrounding the change or cancellation. You will receive a complete refund after subtracting a certain amount for change or cancellation fees, for instance, if you have a refundable and unused ticket. However, if you do it within 24 hours of making the purchase, you will receive a full refund. Call the appropriate support and help by dialling the phone number if you have any questions. Within 24 hours, any modifications are free. The date can be changed, though, up to two hours before the flight's scheduled departure. This is only possible online and through Air Canada's official website. Read also : | | | | |

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  • Freelance

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