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國立台南藝術大學材質創作與設計系畢業,主修課程是纖維設計,在校期間曾參加手繪圖書比賽,在校期間的作品"中性"參加了2010年第7屆瓦奇里納纖維藝術獎,獲得優選。 畢業後於興展創意數位有限公司擔任視覺設計師,在職期間完成了數個網站的前端設計和app前端設計和UI設計和含響應式網頁設計,有時需要專業的協助客戶對產品的想法做溝通及調整。此後又在雙象文創擔任平面設計師,成功標下了許多案子並完成所有平面設計及展場設計。 在鴻瞻有限公司熟悉正航ERP系統,了解點貨銷貨的行政運作以及簡單的會計,並且持續的在平面設計有所涉略。 希望所有的技能能夠提供未來的公司更有效率的運作,盡所能的拓展我的潛力以及達到目標。 個人網站: http://hogaga.weebly.com/ 英文自傳: My name is Chia-Jung Hou. I graduated from Tainan National University of the Arts,and my majors is Fiber design. One of my design projects won Le Arti Tessili Prize,which was composed of hair. When it comes to my career, I was a web designer in Kingspread company. My job responsibilities include Visual design, logo design, image design, interaction design, and a little bit coding of several websites as well as apps. Sometimes I need to contact and communicate the projects with clients as a project assistant. Afterwards, I was a graphic designer in Tone company. I have done numerous challenging cases such as Graphic design, Web design, or Exhibition design. Hope all of this skills can help the future company to operate efficiently. I will keep my best to extend my potential and set a higher challenging goal to achieve. My Personal Website http://hogaga.weebly.com/
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