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Shilesh Iyer
Physician @ Scott Sanders Dermatology
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Shilesh Iyer

Physician @ Scott Sanders Dermatology
Board-certified in his field, Shilesh Iyer, MD, serves as a professor of dermatology at Columbia University and practices with the New York Dermatology Group. An area of focus for Dr. Shilesh Iyer is providing balanced, patient-centered options when it comes to the use of energy-based devices for body contouring. He also provides a full complement of injectables and is experienced in addressing skin challenges such as pigmented lesions and sun-related damage. A graduate of the NYU School of Medicine, Dr. Iyer earned the Ronald M. Reisner Award while pursuing a three-year dermatology residency at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. He subsequently guided Columbia University’s resident training clinic as director, providing in-depth instruction in areas such as dermatologic surgery and complex skin disease. Having treated celebrities in practices spanning Los Angeles and New York, Dr. Iyer is a thought leader in his field who has been featured in media channels ranging from Forbes to CBS News. With extensive research behind him, Dr. Shilesh Iyer is consulted regularly by patients seeking first and second opinions on their cosmetic options.
Scott Sanders Dermatology
University of California, Los Angeles
New York, NY, USA



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2019年1月 - 現在


2005年5月 - 現在


Dermatology Residency
1998 - 2001
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
1993 - 1997
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and Economics
1989 - 1993