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Hi 我是 Ted ! 數位行銷裡,如何從眾多的競爭網站中被消費者看見,是重點關鍵!而導入網站流量,是策略,也是技術。 我有超過 7 年的 SEO 專案實務與教學經驗,操作過數十家品牌企業的搜尋行銷與跨境 SEO,產業橫跨電商、旅遊、傳產製造、醫美、教育、區塊鏈、軟硬體新創與醫療新創等。 專長是協助企業,從需求出發,改善自然流量,讓品牌的服務、產品更準確地被消費者看到。 同時在搜尋引擎排名規則與競爭品牌不斷變動的情況下,透過數據分析與成效追蹤,打造差異化策略,協助品牌網站在 SERP 嶄露頭角。 期待與您作進一步的聯繫與合作,透過我的專業為您帶來成效 ! I'm Ted Kuo, a passionate SEO professional in data-driven digital marketing. I have teaching / hands-on experience in SEO for 6+ years now, specializing in increasing the website traffic for companies in various industries. Throughout my professional career, I have worked with a wide variety of clients across different backgrounds, developing unique SEO strategies to improve website traffic. On an average, I was able to help my clients increase the traffic flow in less than 6 months. My strength is in the ability to collaborate with different functional teams to drive business growth with increased website traffic. My long-term goal is to develop further my knowledge in data sensitivity & analysis, and to enhance my problem-solving approach. What I am looking for is a company that I could add value to. If you wish to connect with me, I'm reachable via the email or direct messages in LinkedIn.
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