4 Tricks to Stay Motivated

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Avatar of Graham Zahoruiko.

4 Tricks to Stay Motivated

Senior Change Management / Program Management Consultant
United States
Most of us, for various reasons, occasionally set new goals to reach, often within a specified amount of time. However, despite our best efforts, we often fail. The next time you want to meet a challenge, overcome a weakness or set a new goal, try the following tips that can help you stay committed to your quest. Organize Reminders View the effort to reach your goal as a sprint rather than a marathon. As you map your task over the next several weeks or months, set up periodic reminders on your computer, in your phone, and on your desk. You might even pack a note in your briefcase or lunchbox, or post one at your bathroom mirror or on the fridge. With reminders permeating your daily activities, you will be reminded frequently to help you stay on task. Recruit Help Get a partner or friend to share your goal. People who work toward the same target are often able to help each other be more successful than if they worked alone. Indirectly, you can also inform family members and coworkers of your plans, so they can respect your time and support your goals even if they are not actively involved. Stay Focused In today’s hectic world, it is easy to get distracted. Time spent searching the Web, keeping up with social media, or meeting personal and professional responsibilities is time-consuming. Your goal may slip further down your list of priorities and be delayed indefinitely if you lose track of it. Reevaluate your to-do list weekly, if not more often, and stay on track with meeting your goal. Avoid taking on additional responsibilities until you achieve your current objective. Don’t Give Up As we all know, it is easy to become discouraged and just give up. We sometimes feel inadequate, ill-prepared, or intimidated in trying to achieve something vital. But we need to remember that a goal, once set, should not be easily surrendered. Look around at other people you admire who have accomplished extraordinary things in their lives. Keep in mind the benefits of meeting your goal. Look to social media for inspiration and advice, if needed. Motivation comes more from within, but it can be nurtured from outside ourselves. Have faith in yourself to complete the task. This article was originally published at Zahoruiko.com
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Published: Mar 6th 2019

Personal Development
