Charity: Water’s Plans for Charitable Success

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Charity: Water’s Plans for Charitable Success

Founder and President
San Diego, CA, USA

John Jellinek | Charity: Water’s Plans for Charitable Success

Since 2006, Charity: Water has raised more than $375 million to provide clean water to more than 10 million of earth’s citizens. By 2025, they hope to achieve the hugely ambitious goal of raising $1 billion to provide clean water access to another 25 million people. Here are three strategies Charity: Water has implemented to help them achieve these impressive goals.

Emphasis on Sustained Giving

Prior to 2016, a great deal of Charity: Water’s donations came from peer-to-peer fundraisers such as birthday campaigns on social media. What they realized is that while important and valuable, peer-to-peer fundraising efforts tend to be sporadic and don’t provide a sustainable influx they can count on each month. The challenge was to increase sustained giving without taking focus away from peer-to-peer fundraising efforts. In 2016, Charity: Water founded a group known as The Spring, who are members who commit to donating a specific dollar amount each month. The group now boasts over 40,000 active subscribers who collectively contribute more than $14 million annually, with an average monthly donation of $30.

Read more here.

John Jellinek shares how Charity: Water strategies for future success for their nonprofit
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Published: Jul 7th 2022

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john jellinek
