Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive Psychology

Professor of Psychology @ Harvard University
New York, NY, USA
In the 1950s the dominant paradigm was behavioral or behavioral psychology. Although this one has been successful in explaining many of the psychological phenomena, it was also very reductionist since it was concerned to explain only the observable one. All that was between the stimuli and the answers was called the "black behaviorist box." It was considered or irrelevant to the study of observable behavior or even something metaphysical. As far as a theory in vogue came to a dead end, it was observed that the phenomena that occurred in our minds were important. Something happened during the time that passed between the stimulus received and the response it generated. It was there that scientists began to study the processes of rationality, language, memory, intelligence, imagination.
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Published: Feb 25th 2019

Experimental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Michael Shvarzblat
