Common Technology Misconceptions

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Common Technology Misconceptions

Lakeland, FL, USA
Myths are prevalent in every industry and about practically every topic. They often start because somebody makes something up or hears them from someone else, and then the myths spread far and wide. These myths can be difficult to combat, and that’s why it’s the job of the experts in whatever industry to tackle them, and make sure people aren’t listening to misinformation. This is especially true with technology, something that is a part of our everyday lives and will continue to be going forward. Here are a few of the most common myths surrounding technology. Incognito Mode Keeps Your Browsing Activity Anonymous One of the most common misconceptions in technology is that by putting incognito mode on your web browser, nobody will be able to see what you’re searching for. While it’s true that people who actively sit down at your computer, such as a family member or a coworker, won’t be able to see your activity right there and then, it’s still possible to trace your steps. This is usually done by the internet service provider or a website manager. You Should Shut Down Your Computer Each Day While this isn’t entirely a myth, it’s still a little bit of one. People have commonly assumed that you have to turn your computer off each night, otherwise it can be damaged or begin slowing down. Luckily, this isn’t the case. While shutting down your computer is good - mostly because it saves electricity and also can remove problems that may have been afflicting it while it was on - it’s not necessary at all. Make sure you turn it off every once in a while, but you don’t need to be that strict about it. Windows Attract Viruses, Macs Do Not While it may seem that every time you’ve used a windows PC you’ve gotten a virus and you’ve never gotten one on a mac, the reason this actually happens is because there are simply just more Windows computers out there. 80-85% of computers are using a Windows OS, so hackers are more likely to target them. Of course, both Windows and Macs should have protection software because Macs are far from immune from being targeted.
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Published: Jun 24th 2020

Nick Toadvine
