Image recognition

Avatar of Rick Ye.
Avatar of Rick Ye.

Image recognition

Backend engineer @ portto 門戶科技 | Blocto

Image recognition service

Extract image from streaming and detect specific patterns in the image.


- Extract image from streaming, apply post-processing to the image then send to the recognition service.

- Generate dataset and train YOLOv4 model, optimize detection confidence up to 90%.

- Build a WebSocket service for keeping push results to the frontend.

- Setup Nginx as a reverse proxy to handle WebSocket routing and static files.

- Containerize the above services for deployment on GPU machines quickly.

Tech Stack:

- WebSocket server: gorilla/webscoket

- Reverse proxy: Nginx

- Machine learning model: YOLOv4

- Streaming to Image: FFmpeg

- Service communication: ZeroMQ

Extract image from streaming and detect specific patterns in the image.
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Published: May 26th 2022
