KMS Tools Portable 01.12.2019 (Final 2022)

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KMS Tools Portable 01.12.2019 (Final 2022)

KMS Tools Portable 01.12.2019 (Final 2022)

). [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Fiber-Type-Specific Changes in the Abdominal Fat Deposition and Lipid Profiles of HABR Belly Shell Quail (Coturnix chinensis). Quail, a domesticated bird, are lean birds that can be easily induced to develop obesity. High-energy diets (HEDs) are usually provided to induce obesity in quail, whereas they are not traditionally fed to restore the body weight of obese quails. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of HED in Belly Shell quail (BSQ) on the abdominal fat, lipid profile, and fiber-type changes in the gut. Forty birds were divided into 5 groups, where the control diet was based on the normal diet for BSQ. Four different HEDs were fed to the quail for 3 wk, and the BW, abdominal fat, and lipid profile were recorded. Fiber-type-specific properties of the gut contents were also determined using a small intestinal crushing method. The different diets, in comparison with the control diet, resulted in significantly increased BW, abdominal fat, and fat percentages of the abdominal fat. However, there was no significant difference in the effect on BW and abdominal fat among the four different diets (P > 0.05). The contents of total lipids, total cholesterol, and triglyceride in the intestinal contents were significantly increased by the HEDs (P Identification of the amino acids responsible for substrate specificity of enantiomeric dipeptidases from Streptomyces coelicolor. B


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). [^1]: **Competing Interests:**The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Fiber-Type-Specific Changes in the Abdominal Fat Deposition and Lipid Profiles of HABR Belly Shell Quail (Coturnix chinensis). Quail, a domesticate
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Published: 5월 13일 2022
