Neo-Geo MVSPSP V2.3.1 Roms [PSP] (2022)

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Avatar of goepygeli.

Neo-Geo MVSPSP V2.3.1 Roms [PSP] (2022)

Neo-Geo MVSPSP V2.3.1 Roms [PSP] (2022)

Now open up an interactive text editor of your choice (i.e. Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, etc.) and import the bot file, then run the following commands from the root of the project directory: ``` python3 makebot serve ## 3.2 Get live streaming data Now that the bot is running, you need to set up a Data Stream to trigger the bot to run. To get a Data Stream set up, go to your Dashboard and click on the the Streams icon at the top right corner of the page. ![](assets/streams.png) Once you have a Stream set up, you need to add the MIME types for.txt and.csv files. To get this, go to your Dashboard and click on the Settings icon at the top right corner of the page. ![](assets/settings.png) Once you have all the files set up, restart the bot by running the following command from the root of the project directory: ## 3.3 Test the Data Stream To test the Data Stream, go to your Dashboard and click on the the Data Streams tab at the top right corner of the page. ![](assets/dashboard-streams.png) You should see a line of text in your data stream that says "Stream started". If it doesn't, check the settings in your Stream. ![](assets/dashboard-streams-settings.png) If you're not seeing the "Stream started" message, it's probably because you haven't set up your Data Stream correctly. If that's the case, you can create a Data Stream for your bot using the dashboard and it will guide you through the steps. ![](assets/makebot-dashboard.png) Once you have everything set up, you should see a text box at the top of the dashboard that says: "Stream started". If you don't see that, something is wrong with your Data Stream, so check it again. ![](assets/dashboard-streams-start.png) Once you have everything set up correctly, you should see a green text box at


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Now open up an interactive text editor of your choice (i.e. Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, etc.) and import the bot file, then run the following commands from the root of the project directory: ``` python3 makebot serve ## 3.2 Get
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Published: mai 12ème 2022
