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.JPG (Photo by Matt Petit/The Star-Ledger) PHILADELPHIA — Let's start with the positive. The city of Philadelphia broke a 30-year streak of failing to hire a new police commissioner by hiring Charles Ramsey, the former York County sheriff who captured the infamous "ABC" (Amish buccaneers) burglary team. Ramsey's skills in both law enforcement and streetwise criminals were on full display in the hours after the two-week police hiring blitz. He ordered an immediate press conference, designed to tell the world he was in charge. He didn't want a fanfare. Just a quiet announcement, the same way he would have handled the Amish thieves. "I'm the man," Ramsey told the gathered reporters and photographers, wearing a simple blue shirt and black pants. "I want to go in, take a look, see what we've got and make an assessment on whether we're going to need some additional help." The clear message: "I'm the man." Ramsey was, and is, nobody's fool. He could see the cracks in the armor of the Philly police and how it was crumbling beneath the weight of the city's crime. He could see the need for officers and patrol cars, but little else. So he bought a recruiting software company, hired some of his pals and pumped money into the police force. That was his first mistake. The second, he gambled that the city's crime problems would disappear because of his efforts. So far, Philly has seen a rise in murders in 2012, mirroring the nation as a whole. But Philadelphia's rise in violent crime has been smaller than the nation's. That's probably because, during his tenure, Ramsey embraced a strategy that relies on shutting down drug houses and prosecuting drug dealers. That sounds great on the campaign trail, but it's little more than an act of Congress to end a wave of shootings. The task force formed by the mayor to solve the crime wave that has gripped Philly didn't fail. Rather, the task force, consisting of a mayor's office staffers and Ramsey's police recruits, studied the stats, looked at how the city was policed and concluded that, in order to lower crime, Philadelphia needed officers and new officers, especially in the area of narcotics and gangs. Ramsey agreed. He had a plan, but only in his mind.


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.JPG (Photo by Matt Petit/The Star-Ledger) PHILADELPHIA — Let's start with the positive. The city of Philadelphia broke a 30-year streak of failing to hire a new police commissioner by hiring Charles Ramsey, the former York County sheriff who
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Đã đăng: thg 5 12 2022

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