YOCTOL.AI - Seeker

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Avatar of 陳姮蓉.

YOCTOL.AI - Seeker

Product Manager
Taipei, Taiwan
Seeker is a reliable AI-powered analysis tool specifically designed for marketers to better understand customer demographics which allows you to personalize your ads to different groups of customers for maximum effectiveness of precision marketing. With the implementation of pioneering data crawling technique, Seeker has proven success in increasing the performance of ads and reaching the potential paying customers by 400%. Seeker 是一個 Facebook 粉絲專頁專用的行銷工具,透過她,我們可以幫你: 1. 分析你粉絲專頁跟你互動過的顧客以及他們現在跟你粉絲專頁互動的狀況 2. 幫你快速找到你的 TA 究竟是怎麼樣子的人,並且這份名單拿去投放 Facebook 自訂受眾的廣告,成效可以提升 30-70% 哦! 3. 製作機器人貼文回覆跟大家一起玩以及自訂推播給你的顧客或粉絲! https://yoctol.ai/seeker
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Đã đăng: thg 9 24 2019

Product Manager
Product Design
Product Management

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