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Profesi Data Analyst: Tugas, Skill, Gaji Hingga Proyeksi Karier!

desc Data Analyst adalah menggunakan ETL Tools ( Extract, Transform, Load ) untuk mengecek validitas data, format data, data cells yang kosong, dan data duplikat sehingga dapat dilakukan pengoreksian data menjadi benar. 3. Melakukan pemodelan dan menafsirkan data Data Modelling adalah proses untuk membuat struktur database design yang berupa representasi secara visual. Selanjutnya, akan diteruskan untuk menemukan pola atau tren dalam data. 💼 Tugas Data Analyst adalah mengidentifikasi entitas-entitas data (contoh: customers, products), mendefinisikan atributnya (contoh: nama, alamat) dan mendesain relasinya
Interview Skills
Oct 5th 2022

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Job Interview

time you submitted your application. As soon as you receive an interview invite, you should be prepared to carry out more extensive research on the company and the details of the role to ace the job interview: What services or products they offer What kind of customers or clients they work with What kind of work they specialize in What their company culture is like Make sure to also understand the details of the job description and the responsibilities expected
People Operations
Apr 26th 2022

A Guide to Google Interview Questions: 20 Examples and Tips

s values. However, displaying technical skills and job-specific knowledge during a Google interview alone is hard enough because the technical questions may range from a wide range of topics and may be very specific about Google's culture and products. In this article, we'll walk you through how to prepare for a Google interview. We'll cover coding and technical questions, common Google interview questions, behavioral questions and tips. Let's go! Google Coding and Technical Interview Questions
Interview Skills
Mar 16th 2022

“Why Should We Hire You?” - Best Answer Examples for Your Interview

company and position. Make a list of your strengths. Talk about your experience in the industry. Highlight your skills (both hard and soft skills). Mention key professional achievements or awards. Mention your educational background and/or training. Practice your answer until you are confident. 1. Research the company and position. By understanding more about the company and position that you are applying for, you will have an edge in answering the interview questions as you will know how to give
Personal Branding
Apr 8th 2019

5 Tips for Creating a Personal Brand that Will Help You Out in Harsh Times

an employee. Who Needs a Personal Brand? Personal brand may help business coaches, consultants, psychologists, designers, doctors, photographers, marketers, lawyers, etc. – anyone who’s willing to promote his services. Very often, clients are not confident in the quality of services until they are provided. And sometimes there is no certainty even after the services are provided. Fortunately, a well-known personal brand can easily solve both issues. It confirms the high quality of services, establishes the trust to the person

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