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Jun 24th 2020


團組織活動,每一項任務,都可以讓你充分為大方向的目標多添增實踐的概率。 線上課程資源:Hahow、Yotta、Udemy、Coursera、Edx、Linux Academy 第三步:準備統整履歷,勇敢創造機會 有方向、有內容,最後一步就差在有機會,打開人力
Job Search Tips
Aug 31st 2020

LinkedIn 公布 2020 最夯工作:AI /機器學習免費資源、最新職缺都在這!

資料科學上的應用、假設檢定、線性迴歸等。 3. Machine Learning A-Z 講師: Hadelin de Ponteves , Kirill Eremenko , 武亦文 Yiwen , 李秦 Qin , SuperDataScience Team 平台:Udemy 費用:約台幣 360 元(根據平台優惠活動價格可能不一) 課程時長:32.5 小時 這堂課會幫助你建立 AI
Resume & CV
Jan 21st 2022

Psychologist Resume Sample (+ Writing Tips)

Review psychology literature and write credible health materials. Help detect and handle various emotional, behavioral, and mental disorders. Examine specific needs of patients to help nurture their progressive mental, emotional, and personal health. Research and provide insights on human behavior. Demystify complex behavioral and cognitive health concepts. Oversees psychological tests and provides tangible results. Supervise individual management and other administrative cases and tasks as required. Offer referral services to external therapists, counselors, clinicians, and other treatment facilities. Liaise with community

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