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May 10th 2023

Bí quyết tạo portfolio cho fashion designer chuẩn chỉnh và cuốn hút

kế của bạn, cũng như thiên hướng sáng tạo của bạn trong thời trang. Portfolio thời trang sẽ góp phần hình thành nên dấu ấn cá nhân, đặc biệt sẽ rất hữu ích đối với những bạn làm công việc freelancer . 5 mẫu portfolio fashion designer ấn tượng 1. Portfolio Digital Fashion của Anisya Mặc dù có thiết kế portfolio theo phong cách tối giản minialism, mẫu portoflio fashion designer của Anisya vẫn rất ấn tượng nhờ sự tương phản
Jun 10th 2022

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

your work has been recognized, it's a selling point that can be included in your video portfolio. There are many mediums to host your video portfolio. Let's dig into where you can create your video reel portfolio. 🎬 Website A personal video portfolio website is perfect for someone who has been building their brand or is considering starting one. Although they take more time to construct, personal video portfolio sites allow more flexibility, especially for freelancers who need
Resume & CV
Apr 8th 2019

CakeResume for Developers

CakeResume is intended not just to job hunters or freelancers, but also to other enthusiast in different fields including developers. This will be a great opportunity for the developers to introduce not just his/her skills and capabilities but also his/her amazing developed works and projects. Developers are known to be great when it comes to navigating online tools, but not all the things that he/she can do. CakeResume is the best way for a developer to showcase
Mar 23rd 2022

How to Make a Drawing Portfolio [+ Ideas & Examples]

is good. High-quality images allow the audience to inspect details further, as people cannot physically inspect the piece. Drawing portfolio by Eric Theodore Tips on How to Make a Digital Drawing Portfolio ✨ Choose a suitable online drawing portfolio website. Choosing an online drawing portfolio website is highly important. Since there are plenty of online platforms to choose from, you can feel overwhelmed easily. Remember to focus on the features a platform can provide. CakeResume offers a free portfolio

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