
8THNS is looking for a highly knowledgeable and capable Editor for the media we are building to encompass all forms of fashion, arts, design and culture. The nature of a new online editorial platform, we are seeking applicants who can join swiftly to work at our office and both understand and dictate movements within culture and social media. The editor will serve as an integral part of our growing editorial team and help further the growth, reach and cultural impact of 8THNS.

我們正在尋找,一位具有豐富專業知識及高強工作能力的企劃編輯,為 8THNS 正在開創的新型線上媒體 - 跨越時尚 / 藝術 / 設計 / 文化的媒體,注入新力量。企劃主編必須要充分了解市場脈動,完整掌握快速變化的網路時代,同時能夠指揮這個網路雜誌平台。他將成為團隊不斷發展的靈魂人物。影響 8THNS 大躍進的發展,並對市場產生足夠的文化影響力。

─ Oversee the publishing of daily content and news
─ Introduce and execute editorial concepts
─ Editorial planning and scheduling: Manage an editorial calendar 
─ Coordinate with brands and personalities for content (incl. reaching out) 
─ Create questions & Conduct interviews
─ Coordinate with our Brand Partnership Team
─ Creation of periodic longer form editorial articles
─ Coordinate projects with the Brand Partnership team
─ Art direction for contents 
─ Strategize growth
─ Build and manage a group of contributing editors 
─ Develop content partnership and coordinate with partner media 
─ Review job applications & interview potential employees, freelancers


─ 監管每日文章與新聞產出內容
─ 掌握趨勢,發掘原創策劃新主題內容
─ 長短期時程規劃與執行
─ 尋找 / 接洽 / 協調適合合作的品牌與人物
─ 人物專訪企劃與執行
─ 與 Brand Partnership Team 之間協調合作
─ 長期內容形式建立
─ 與 Brand Partnership Team 專案合作
─ 內容調性方向掌控
─ 網站成長策略
─ 駐站寫手團隊之建立與管理
─ 與夥伴媒體間的合作建立與溝通協調
─ 建立/帶領編輯團隊,發掘更多編輯人選


─ 2~3+ years experience in journalism, digital media or related field
─ Excellent verbal and written communication skills
─ Knowledge of subjects at a local and international level
─ Self-determined, detail-oriented, and able to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment
─ Possess a high level of creativity and out of the box thinking
─ Passion for innovation, constantly staying ahead of the changing trends
─ Proven experience with Social Media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
─ Team Player with the ability to work with different personalities to optimize editorial quality
─ Passion for growth and personal interest in culture.
─ 2~3 年以上雜誌 / 數位媒體等相關工作經驗
─ 優秀的口語 & 書面溝通技巧
─ 本地與國際化的專業領域知識技能
─ 自我要求,重視細節,能夠在快節奏環境中同時掌管多個工作項目
─ 擁有高創造力,開放性的思維想法與態度
─ 熱愛創新,不斷領先潮流
─ 社群媒體平台執行經驗(Facebook / Instagram / Pinterest)
─ 能夠與不同性格人協同團隊合作,讓作品不斷成長與優化
─ 熱愛創新與成長,對人藝術文化城市具有濃厚興趣
此工作位於台北,希望即刻可以上班。如果您對於加入一個快速成長,充滿活力的團隊有興趣,請將您的求職信 / 履歷 / 及三份各 150 字的短文作品寄到 [email protected].
经常性薪资达 NT$40,000
这是您专属的职缺邀请连结。当有人透过您的邀请连结应征这个职缺时,您会收到 email 通知。
Logo of 極思廣益互動有限公司.


8THNS was launched in 2017 as a one-stop discovery hub for millenials of metro cities in Asia, named as Techies, Hearties, Starters and Newbies. Our mission as a curated e-commerce, is to inform and inspire them, by introducing emerging brands, and as a brand publisher to help our partner brands extend their possibilities by telling their stories with visually appealing contents. 8THNS is now preparing to transcend our initial roots as a commerce platform, to become an international online media that introduces brand, iconic people, and culture-rich cities around the World.

8THNS 於 2017年推出,為千禧年亞洲大都會地區,創造出的一站式發現中心。
8 代表無限,T =Techies 代表科技人,H = Hearties 是設計藝術人,N=Newbiest 喜歡發掘新事物,S=Starters 代表創造發明等四種不同人類。我們的使命,是以生活靈感為出發,透過策展式網路銷售服務,將值得被好好介紹的品牌,完整傳達給喜愛我們的人!同時也藉由高質感視覺與文字美學,為與我們合作的夥伴,開發出更多商務發展的可能性。 以商業平台為根基,8THNS 現在正準備再度超越自己,搖身賦予媒體的使命。透過介紹不同國家的人,背後富饒的城市文化與故事,成為更引人入勝的世界性品牌。