【顧問部】副理/經理 (政府與基礎建設顧問服務)-312

Updated 3 Months agoManagement / Business » Other

Description du Travail

  1. 基礎建設投資策略分析與顧問諮詢。
  2. 基礎建設興建營運分析、財務模型、與投資價值分析。
  3. 基礎建設履約管理與合約爭議處理。
  4. 基礎建設專案管理、投標管理。
  5. 國內外基礎建設投資架構與資產管理諮詢。
  6. 基礎建設籌融資諮詢服務。
  7. 基礎建設之產業研究報告及盡職調查。

Leading transactions and advisory mandates with a portfolio of assignments at any one time.
Producing key transaction outputs – e.g. modelling analysis, information memoranda, investment committee analysis, and present these appropriately to Independently developing opportunities and building a portfolio of opportunities / projects to assist with business development; providing strategic, commercial and financial advice spanning the lifecycle of infrastructure projects to major corporates, public sector entities and infrastructure funds; service offerings of the team include the likes of:

  • public sector PPP procurement
  • bid/sell-side transaction advisory, project development advisory financial feasibility, business case, commercial model study, market analysis project finance model build, model review, PF debt raising advisory policy and regulatory advisory working in a dynamic team environment on infrastructure projects across power, water, waste water, transport, and social infrastructure sectors support on project/engagement management, client communication liaising with other business units of KPMG including, but not limited to, Tax, Accounting and Transaction Services.


  1. 大型會計師事務所或企管、財務顧問公司三年以上審計、會計、財務顧問相關工作經驗
  2. 具能源、環保、公用事業等相關產業經驗
  3. 英文聽說讀寫流利
  4. 具良好溝通協調及專案管理能力
  5. 曾有能源、環保、公用事業審計、會計、盡職調查、併購等經驗尤佳
  6. 曾有PPP、專案融資(Project Finance)、財務模組(Financial Modeling)經驗尤佳

Minimum of 3 years’ professional experience in infrastructure project finance and PPPs, gained preferably within a big four accounting firm, niche project finance advisory firms or within banking; Prior experience in project financing of power/transport projects shall be an advantage; Asian-based project experience is advantageous Experience in preparing bankability feasibility studies / business cases for infrastructure projects, including PPP transactions; Strong financial modelling skills, capable of assessing sophisticated project finance financial models; Thorough understanding of risk analysis and allocation for project finance and PPPs; Knowledge of project finance documentation and experience in taking projects to financial close; Willing to travel within ASEAN region on engagements; Result-oriented approach with hands-on execution capability; Ability to manage and mentor staff on engagements, and providing on the job training and knowledge sharing; Strong project Management skills as they relate to managing engagements outcomes- high quality deliverables are produced on a timely basis and within budget; Strong client and relationship-building skills; Strong cultural awareness to work in teams and groups; and Ability to handle multiple demands and competing priorities.

40K+ TWD/mois
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